•Special Chapter •

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The Kim brothers in parallel universe •

Y/n was on a date with her male classmate, enjoying a pleasant evening at a charming restaurant. Unbeknownst to her, her brothers, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung, decided to play the role of undercover spies once again, determined to ensure their sister's date went smoothly, or at least entertainingly.

Jimin, wearing a pair of oversized sunglasses and a trench coat, leaned in to whisper dramatically, "Agent J reporting in. The target and Y/n appear to be having a normal conversation. No signs of danger yet."

Taehyung, sporting a fake mustache and a newspaper with eyeholes, nodded with an air of seriousness. "Affirmative, Agent T. All systems normal."

Jungkook, trying to blend in by pretending to be a potted plant on a nearby table, mimed taking notes on an invisible notepad. "Agent JK here. The target's choice of conversation topics includes the weather and favorite ice cream flavors. Not exactly top-secret stuff."

As Y/n and her date continued their conversation, Jimin couldn't resist the temptation to intervene. He dramatically knocked over a salt shaker, causing it to scatter across the table.

"Oh no! My clumsy hand!" Jimin exclaimed loudly, drawing everyone's attention.

Y/n's date raised an eyebrow, "Are you okay?"

Jimin, trying to keep up the act, replied, "I'll survive, but the salt shaker might not."

Taehyung, feeling left out, decided to join in the chaos. He pretended to spill his imaginary drink, splashing a bit on Y/n's date. "Oops, my bad!"

Y/n's date, now thoroughly confused, tried to stay polite, "Uh, no worries."

Meanwhile, Jungkook continued to play his role as a potted plant, observing the situation and taking his "notes."

Y/n was growing increasingly embarrassed by her brothers' antics. She leaned in closer to her date and whispered, "I'm so sorry about this. My brothers are just... special."

Her date chuckled, "Don't worry, it's kind of entertaining."

Jimin decided to kick it up a notch by pretending to receive a "top-secret" message on his invisible spy gadget, which was actually just his smartphone. He gasped dramatically and announced, "Agents, we've detected a potential romance threat!"

Taehyung, not wanting to be outdone, dramatically exclaimed, "Agent T here! We need to initiate Operation Embarrassing Sibling Intervention!"

Y/n's date couldn't contain his laughter, "Okay, I officially love your family."

As the date progressed, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung decided to take their "Operation Embarrassing Sibling Intervention" to the next level. They brainstormed ways to add a comedic twist to the evening while still ensuring Y/n had a good time.

Jimin, ever the prankster, leaned over and whispered to Taehyung, "Agent T, it's time to unleash the secret weapon."

Taehyung nodded, his eyes glinting mischievously. He excused himself from the table, claiming he needed to use the restroom. In reality, he was on a mission to enlist the help of the restaurant staff.

When Taehyung returned, he discreetly signaled the waitstaff, and they began a coordinated effort to make the evening memorable. They brought out a cake with a single candle, complete with a cheesy "Happy Date-iversary" written on it.

Jimin, seizing the opportunity, stood up and loudly declared, "Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for a special announcement! This lovely couple is celebrating their first date-iversary, and we won't let it go unnoticed!"

The entire restaurant turned to look, clapping and cheering for Y/n and her date. Y/n's face turned a brilliant shade of crimson as she chuckled at her brothers' audacity.

Taehyung handed Y/n the cake knife with a wink, and Jimin encouraged, "Go on, make a wish!"

Y/n hesitated for a moment, then closed her eyes and made a silent wish. As she blew out the candle, everyone in the restaurant erupted into applause.

Not to be outdone, Jungkook, still pretending to be a potted plant, 'accidentally' knocked over his table, sending a cascade of empty glasses crashing to the floor. "Oh dear, my table must be top-heavy!" he exclaimed.

Y/n's date burst into laughter, thoroughly entertained by the absurdity of the situation. Y/n couldn't help but laugh too, realizing that her brothers, despite their antics, just wanted her to have a memorable and joyful evening.

The rest of the date went surprisingly well, with Y/n's date proving to be a good sport and enjoying the unexpected turns of the night. Even though her brothers tried to "ruin" the date, they ended up making it even more memorable and fun. And at the end of the evening, Y/n's date couldn't deny that he had a fantastic time with her and her quirky family.

As the night came to an end, Y/n and her date bid farewell to the restaurant, still chuckling about the hilarious incidents throughout the evening. They exchanged contact information and agreed to meet up again soon.

Outside the restaurant, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung revealed themselves, no longer hiding behind their disguises. Y/n turned to them with a playful glare. "You guys are unbelievable! I can't believe you orchestrated that cake thing!"

Jimin grinned widely. "What can we say? We're masters of surprise entertainment."

Taehyung chimed in, "Besides, we couldn't resist making sure your date was unforgettable."

Jungkook added, "And we did it because we love you, sis."

Y/n rolled her eyes, but her heart warmed at their sincerity. "You guys are ridiculous, but I appreciate it. Thanks for trying to make my night special."

As they walked back to their car, Y/n's date couldn't help but smile at the unique and endearing bond between Y/n and her brothers. He knew that he was in for some interesting adventures if he decided to continue dating her, but he couldn't wait to see what other surprises this unconventional family had in store.


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