" Just, stay by me and don't say anything," Antonio said. " Yes sir," I sighed. The ten guards he drove with us in the car ushered us up to house. Antonio kept me close to him, five guards stood behind us as well as In front of us. " Does this guy have a family?" I asked as we walked up to the door. " He had a wife and three daughters," Antonio informed me. " So not much help for the whole son growing up and taking over dad's business right?" I asked. Antonio grinned, " right." A guard In front of us knocked on the door. For some reason, my stomach crunched up and I began to get butterflies. I exhaled deeply, " just stay by me at all times," Antonio whispered.

The door opened, Antonio's grasp around my hand tightened. " Mr. Brambilla," a guard said. His dark, cold eyes immediately shot at me. " And who is this?" The guard asked. I clenched my jaw, not wanting to seemed afraid.

Which, by what Antonio has said to me, I was beyond nervous.

" She'll be staying with us, with me," Antonio informed. The guard stared at me for what seemed like an eternity before looking back at Antonio. " Please, come in." The guard stepped aside and opened the door more as we all walked into the house. " This place isn't appropriate for women," the guard said closing the door. " Where is Mr. Agosti?" Antonio asked, ignoring the guards remark. " He'll be with us shortly," the guard said walking up In front of us. I looked at him, the guards eyes immediately averted over to me. " And you are?" The guard asked. I opened my mouth to answer, but Antonio beat me to it. " Ms. Galonos, I'm on a strict schedule, so If you don't mind getting Mr. Agosti, that would be great." The guard nodded, " you are a very busy man Mr. Brambilla." Antonio's eyes weren't calm and light as they always were when he was with me. Instead, they held darkness instead of happiness and joy.

" Please follow me," the guard said. We all followed him down a unlit hallway. I softly breathed in as a cold shiver slipped down my spine.

Talk about a warm welcoming.

We took several turns, if I got lost, I knew I wouldn't be able to find myself back to the main entrance. We stopped at a door, the smell of sweat, blood, and anger seeped through the door. " Mr. Agosti is in here?" Antonio asked staring at the door. The guard nodded, " but you came on a very busy day." The door immediately opened, I gasped in horror and tensed up as an old man sat in a chair. His face all bloody, having several gun shots in his face, chest, and other body parts. Antonio pulled my closer to him and whispered, " stay by me at all times." My lip quivered a little bit, but I bit my bottom lip to prevent it from doing so. A man in a dark blue suit looked up at us. A gun sat in one hand, blood covering his front and some of his face, this guy looked like the typical assassin in all of Italy. The guy immediately looked at me, I swore the blood in my face drained out of my whole body. " Mr Brambilla," Mr. Agosti said clearing his throat. About fifteen guards stood posted around the room.

If anything bad happened, we we're definitely outnumbered.

" I've missed working with you," Mr. Agosti said. He looked sown at his bloody, sweaty self. " My appearance isn't very welcoming, but I hope you all feel welcomed into my home." This man had the audacity to smile, blood stained his white teeth. My eyes couldn't help but wonder off to the obviously dead man slumped over in the chair a few feet from Mr. Agosti. " And, who is this?" Mr. Agosti asked. His voice cut through the silence. I looked at him, " You're a Galonos, aren't you?" Mr. Agosti asked tilting his head. I nodded, damn this guy had the ability to make your skin crawl. I stared at Mr. Agosti, Antonio looked at me and nodded, saying that it was okay for me to talk. " Yes, I'm a Galonos," I answered calmly. Mr. Agosti nodded and chuckled, " your father and I are best friends." I mentally scoffed, my father wasn't the type of person to have friends let alone best friends.

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