The War of Spring Court

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  Gwyn was on her knees, tear slipping down her cheeks as she took in her best friend.

  Emerie stood beside the duo, her head high, and her wings even more magnificent than Gwyn could have dreamed.

  She was a goddess.

  A Valkyrian goddess.

  Gwyn gazed at her in amazement, she did not believe she had ever witnessed something so etherial...celestial.

 "Sorry I took so long," Emerie finally spoke, her voice so strong and sturdy.

 "You are incredible," Nesta muttered, also starting in astonishment.

  Emerie beamed. "I will tell you all about it later, but first...let us kill these bastards."

  The three valkyries raised their swords, standing alongside each other.

  All smiling wickedly.

 "Ready, Valkyries?" Gwyn tilted her head.

 "Lets go, girls," Nesta licked her lips.

  And then, they charged.


  They became the three wicked Valkyries.

  Each girl, with their own special talents.

  Nesta was enchanting with a sword.

  Gwyn was using her spring magic.

  While, Emerie was another being altogether with her wings. Those months she had been gone, not only did she heal, but she relearned how to fight with them.

  Even the suriel's stared at her, barely screaming as she sliced them into pieces.

  Gwyn believed they would actually beat it..

  She was almost excited for it all to end as she was ready to run back to her mate.

  But, Gwyn tilted her neck and the boys were clearly unnumbered.

 "Nesta!" Gwyn screamed out when Cassian was close to losing his fight.

  Nesta eyes shot out, her teeth clenching as she fought the last of the suriel's on their side.

 "We are going to them, right now," Nesta was already running, to her mate.

  Gwyn and Emerie finished and darted towards the male's.

  They were all so outnumbered.

  So very outnumbered.

  They would need a miracle.

  Gwyn twisted to see Azriel, covered in blood, panting as a suriel's were playing with his head.

 "No!" Gwyn screamed out. She began to push her way towards her mate, damn everyone else.

  She was only working off of primal instinct. 


  But, he was on his knees now, blood dripping down his nose

  Just as she reached him, two little figures stepped into her vision.

  Their future daughters.

  "Surrender mother.Surrender the Spring Court."

 "No!" she screamed out, squeezing her eyes shut.

 "Then, he will just remember the time he was too late...for all of eternity."

 "No!" Gwyn was frantically pulling at her hair, trying to find a solution. She hit her knees onto the ground, cupping Azriel's cheeks.


 "IT WAS NEVER YOUR FAULT!" she screamed for him to hear.

  But, he was so entrapped in his head.

  Then Azriel fell forward, on the verge of dying.

  And Gwyn lost it.

  She shrieked out, her power spilling in powerful swarms.

  Until the entire Spring Court was full of light.

  Until the suriel's were screaming....and then bursting from the power.

  Just as she thought that she had killed all of them, one of strongest ones, that tortured Azriel, charged straight to Gwyn.

  She barely had any power left in her body, unable to even lift herself.

  She could barely even breathe.

  As it charged, shinning sword in hand, Gwyn simply placed her head into Azriel's shoulder. Breathing him in one last time.

 "Forever," she whispered.

  Just as it reached her, a fury of fur swarmed Gwyn's vision.

  And she heard the sword stab into skin.

  Tamlin had just saved them with his own life.

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