~Through Dimensions Pt. 2~

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Goods pov

I take the new guy to the ruins just like I said I would. Though it hardly has any roof on top, or walls that don't have a couple dozen holes in them, it gives a nice bit of protection. At least from the guard people.

It looks like any old castle ruin, has a large bit demolished on the side, some random towers that you can enter, a nice bit of parkour you can do, it's really a nice place to settle in if you don't have a home and having to hide from any kind of law.

Very little people know about it, most of those don't even care that the ruins are here. It's covered by the thick forest that nobody enters anymore, probably because the king or whatever told them to stay away since a "dAnGeRoUs" person roams in their, along with wild animals. Some bullsh*t right there. I'm not dangerous, well, I am kinda, but I mostly just don't pay taxes. And most of the forest doesn't even have animals that attack. Most animals it contains are deers, rabbits and all that sh*t.

The pumpkin boy, named Jef apparently, looks around in awe at the ruins, as if they're actually that fascinating. He brings out a strange rectangular device, brings it to his eye and it flashes from a small tip at the top. I stare. He glances back at me.

"what's up?" he asks me.

"What.. The f*ck is that..?" I say pointing at the device.

He looks at the device, then back at me with a strange expression.

"What? You don't know what a camera is?" he asks me, showing off the object.

".. No...?" I stare at it. "how does it work? And what does it do?"

He laughs a bit.

"Well, it captures images of what it sees through the lenses!"

I stare at him.

"Eh, here! Just look through this little space and press the big button" he hands me the so called 'camera'.

I hesitate a bit, put the device close to my eye and see the wonders. It imitated what was in front, but the picture looked a bit strange. I pressed on the button slowly, wondering what'll happen. Suddenly a light flashed from it, and the image was still there when I turned it around.

".. Wooaaah..." I stared in amazement, astonished at what this rectangular block can do. Jef laughs by my side, clearly surprised that I have no knowledge of this camera.

"We don't have such things around here, where did you get it?" I looked back at him, eyes wide open.

He stops laughing and hesitates for a moment.

"Well... It'ssss Uh.. Definitely not from here! I mean like, not from this world!" he says as if that's a normal thing. I blankly look at him, trying to process what he has said. He obviously knows I have no idea what he means.

"Well, I'm not from this place! I come from a completely different universe! I can travel through space and time, and boy, you should've seen what I had!" he says brightly.

".. Riiiigght... Uhh.. Mind telling me how that works?" I'm even more confused now.

He sighs and looks at me.

" Would you like for me to show you what I mean?" he holds out his hand, possibly for me to grab. I think for a moment, and why not?

I take hold of his hand and look back at him. I nod. He smiles and takes a out another strange item. This time it looks like a compass, something I can identify. He opens it and hold it out with his other hand. After a few awkward moments of nothing, the object starts glowing. I stare in amazement. It flashes out a purple light, wounding the air as it opens some strange place.

I stare at it, I try to say something, but I'm frozen in place.

Jef looks at me with a confident look, and drags me with him into the light.

Iiiiiiiii'm not dead yet!

Words: 681

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