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Jefs pov

Oh how calm the aura was. Sitting under a cherry blossom tree whilst smiling warmly, staring deep into the aqua blue sky. Very little clouds were in the sky, such a nice cotton white colour they held.

The grass slowly swayed as the calm breeze brushed against them, showing their shiny coats in the suns rays.

Tiny mushrooms popped out of the ground, showing off their red and white dotted skin. Beside them were wee white flowers, along with some yellow and blue ones.

The cherry blossom I sat under gave a cool shade in which protected me against the strong heat the sun gave off. The bark of the tree has such smooth texture, it felt great just resting my back there.

The nearby river shone strongly in the light, nearly blinding me as I stared off.

The colours of the setting almost mixed when my eyes started sticking together. My eye lids felt heavier and heavier until I finally gave in and closed them. The breeze got slightly stronger as I slowly fell asleep under the tree.

Everything was perfect. Until...


My eyes shot open as a loud noise came from downstairs. I sat up quickly and looked at my clock. 11:21am. I overslept again. Of course my phone didn't go off, I have no plans for today. Except for finding out what Good did downstairs.

I got out of bed, not bothered to get changed, and quickly ran downstairs. I sprinted to the kitchen where I saw Good struggling to put some things back in the top cabinets. I chuckled.

"Need a little help, Angel?"

Immediantly, his attention was on me as he turned his head towards me. He didn't expect me to be up at the current moment, even though it's almost the afternoon.

"O-oh sh*t.. Morning Jef.." He said hesitantly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "What're you doing so early?"

"Good. It's half past eleven. And I should be asking YOU why you're making so much noise here?"

He looked pretty... Embarrassed. Pretty too. I gave out a small sigh and walked over to him, embracing him in a hug. I rest my chin on top of his head and hug him tight.

"At least say you need help with putting stuff away. You know you can't reach"

He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it in defeat and sighs, and rests back on my body.

".. Do I need to buy a stool for you?" I ask him. He seems a little upset.

"N-no! Just... Eh.. I can fly! I can get the sh*t myself" he argues, obviously mad.

"And the last time you did that you knocked over almost everything from the counters and even managed to smash a few things. Heck no are you flying to reach stuff from shelves and all that" I argue back, getting flashbacks from when that happened.

He sighs angrily and tries to break out of the hug, though I'm not letting him. He struggles weakly in my arms, obviously too tired to properly fight back. I turn him around to face me and kiss him on the lips, giving him a little shock. He soon melts into it and calms himself down, wanting more affection.

We part lips after a while, longing for air. He stares at me with wide eyes, not knowing what to say.

I give him a quick kiss on the forehead and help him reach the stuff he wanted.

I'm not dead yet

Words: 595

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