~Teacher AU~

667 27 40

No-ones pov, 8:46am, school staff room

Good was sitting on one of the couches, chugging down a cup of coffee. He only slept about three hours last night after streaming Minecraft at midnight. George was sitting next to him, eating a chicken sandwich. Compared to Good, he already taught in a school for much longer than Good has.

Good looked at the time, seeing how much it is until he has to deal with little sata- children. He frowned as it was only a couple minutes until the bell. He was a substitute for the day, as he usually monitors playgrounds (by monitoring I mean just watching sh*t go down). He's supposed to take care of some of the older kids (this is a primary, remember. They're all young and annoying), which isn't very different from taking care of the younger kids.

"Nervous?" George asked him, raising an eyebrow. Good gave him an annoyed look.

"Pfft, nervous? Just because it's my first time teaching kids in a class doesn't mean I'm nervous. I'm just mentally preparing myself for the intense stress I'm going to feel once I'm five minutes into the lesson" Good slightly laughed, but not exactly in a good way. George returns a chuckle.

"Yeah, they can get pretty chaotic. Unless you get a good classroom! But that's probably not going to happen. I bet the person who normally teaches those kids went on vacation to get away from them kids" George laughed hysterically. Good takes one last sip of his coffee and stares at the clock above the door-frame.

"..Well f*ck... I'm not mentally OR physically prepared yet" he says, his gaze still fixed onto the clock.

"Aren't we all?" George chuckled as he scrolled through his phone, turning it off and looks at the fluffy demon. "Listen dude, with that crappy attitude the kids will dread being in that class. Just try to not pressure them and they might as well like you as a teacher"

Good looks back at Geo, giving him a small smile. He smirks smugly after.

"Heh, sure Geo, sure" he says, right before the bell rang. This school bell could give you a migraine.

"Well, what'cha waiting for? Come on, I think it's starting to rain" George announced looking at the window to his right. Small raindrops were hitting on the glass shields.

Both males stood up and went out the room, along with two other teachers. They went down the staircase, shoved the great, big doors open and into the playground. Good knew which lines of children were his, since he did monitor the playgrounds almost all the time. He walked over to the third last line at the end of the grounds.

"Alright, come on dumba- small beings. I'll be taking you to your class" Good said, doing a kind of hand sign. The kids followed Good into the building, up the staircase and to their cloakroom (fun fact I used to think they were called 'clockrooms' right until secondary). They hung their coats, some also putting away their scarves and hats.

Good sat down the on the teachers chair, logging into the computer to look for the register. More and more children were coming into the class and sitting in their seats. Some looked really excited for class and some were quite surprised, looking at their substitute teacher.

The demon finally got the register up, looked around the class and stood up from the chair.

"Alright, I'm Mr. Halo, but you guys can call me Goodboyhalo, Good or whatever, I don't care. I'm going to say the register and I'll most likely get some of your names wrong. If I do correct me, it's common sense" he said leaning on the table, looking around at his pupils. A few looked at their friends, as if to say 'yeah he'll get my name wrong'.

"Say whatever when I call your name.." some kids were mentally preparing themselves to say 'here' or something else, as if their lives depended on it.

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