~Bottom Bully Pt. 2~

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That b*tch really just left me like this. Frozen in one possession. Why do I fall for him that easily? It's not the same when other people flirt with me, and someone Jef manages to get me all flustered as if we were in a committed relationship, which we are not in. I mean it's not like I'd actually fall for him. He's too stupid and clumsy for me, definitely not my type, if I do have a type.

People started coming through the doors to their classes. I knew I had to go to class now before I get shoved into the lockers because I won't move from this one place.

I went out the doors to one of the other wings, where I had my English class. I'm not too bad at English, but just reading and writing dumb assignments on sh*t we did on weekends just p*sses me off. I prefer writing fiction, where I can come up with anything I want without sitting there trying to remember what I did in the holidays.

I entered my class, and was greeted by the teacher. The teacher's really kind to everyone, a bit too kind in my opinion. I usually complain about the work like I normally do, and she just explains how it CAN somehow help me in life and sh*t. She's just too nice to the wrong people.

I sat down in the back and take out the book we're reading in class. It's an old novel from the early ninteen hundreds that's about some girl exploring the world and sh*t I couldn't care less about. It's quite hard keeping up with the story since it's so boring and I hardly pay attention to it.

Class starts a few minutes later and I can't stop thinking about Jef. The way he held onto me, and the way he stared into my eyes was just so... Unusual. No-one ever really flirted at me like that, Jef's just really unique in almost every way. He always comes up with ideas and ways nobody thought of, and it quite amazes me how smart his mindset can get. Too bad he likes acting dumb.

I quickly snap back to reality once the teacher plays an audio of the book we're reading. It gave me a small shock as I quickly jumped back in my seat, nobody really noticed since I didn't make much noise. I tried focusing on the audio book and going along with it, but Jef is just all I can think of.

I remember feeling his fluffy hair when I shoved his face away from me once when he got too close. Damn I wish I could've played with it, that would feel amazing.

I keep snapping to the real world everytime I'm over thinking about that damn pumpkin. Why is he so unforgettable? I start to feel kind of bad for him the way I treated him. I feel.. Guilty. Like I haven't already bullied him for months now. No way would he properly forgive me for the dumb sh*t I've done, I can only dream.

I realized the teacher paused the audio and started asking questions. That's where I really should avoid eye contact, like I haven't been doing that the whole time. I just have to look like I'm looking through the book to understand it better to not catch the teachers attention.

She turned the audio back on and my small panic has now gone to an end. I quietly sighed of relief, not wanting to put up with the horrible embarrassment that I've already felt much of before.

After this lesson was physics. Sh*t. Now I have to deal with a smug *ss pumpkin who just can't keep his mouth shut. Well he didn't fail the test, but he still didn't do as well. Surprisingly I've done better than him on it, he'll be a bit shocked when he finds out I WAS telling the truth all along.

As I entered the class I already saw Jef sitting at our desk. He immediately looked at me when I came in, making the situation a bit more awkward. I tried avoiding eye contact as I sat down, but the moron obviously had to scoot closer to me. Our arms were touching and rubbing against each other whilst Jef waited until I was ready to talk.

"What" I snapped at him as he gave me a warm smile.

"Sooooo how's my favourite classmate doing?" he said as he wrapped his arm around me. I glared at him.

"Just greaat.. Thanks.." I sneered at him. He clearly didn't get the hint, as he got his face closer to mine.

Lol I'll end pt. 2 here cause my motivation scattered on the floor, wait a few moments.

Words: 812

Jefhalo oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora