~Stranger In The Forest, Love At Home~

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Goods pov, present time.

I need to run. They're right behind me, if I go any slower they'll catch up to me. I can't let that happen. The storm was getting worse by the minute, and I was already completely soaked in rain water. It's freezing cold and I feel my body getting weaker and weaker.

My cloak wasn't made for protection against the rain, so it's now drenched and cold. The forest is very dense and I can't see where I'm going. Wherever I'm running to it better help me get away from those freaks. I can't stand another day being locked away, I'll go insane. They're screaming at me for me to come back, as if I'll actually listen. Who would anyway?

My eyesight was getting blurry from the tears running down my face and I try to wipe them away.

All of a sudden, I trip on some tree roots and I fall down a steep hill. Once I finally have fallen all the way down my whole body ached. My clothes are now covered in mud and I can feel the wounds on my body, slowly bleeding out. The storm gets worse and I hear lightning striking the ground from not that far away.

I crawl over to some bushes and hide in them, hoping for those idiots not to find me in here. I hear them run past the set of bushes I'm hiding in and off into the distance.

I've finally got rid of them, I'm finally free. Only thing is, I'm now lost. I have no food, no shelter and I'm completely alone. This place is unfamiliar to me, I'll have to go explore and hunt once I finally gain the strength to. I'm not even sure if I'll survive a day, seeing my arms and face bleeding. I can't even stand up anymore. I'm helpless.

My vison gets more and more blurry. I hear some footsteps coming my direction. I want to get up, I want to run away, but I'm too weak. As soon as I see two blurry legs coming my way, I pass out.


Jefs pov, past time

I was walking back home until I found a strange creature hiding in the bushes. They were covered in wet fur, small white horns popping out of their head, a small halo barely hovering over his head. His tail was long, fluffy and it looked like it had a broken bone. The creature was dirty and had holes in their clothes.

I couldn't look at them in such a state. I picked them up and ran home, making sure I don't harm them in the process. I burst through my home door and lock it. I set the creature next to the fireplace and went to my room to get them some dry clothes.

I was picking them clothes, getting them some really thick clothing to warm them up. I wasn't sure what size they wore, it didn't really matter anyway since I live alone and only have my size of clothing.

After I'm done I hear some grunting coming from the living room, knowing they must've woke up.

Jef's pov, present time

I enter the living room and see the creature panicking, looking at their surroundings before screaming in pain, grabbing onto their arm.

"Hey! Calm down please, I didn't bring you here to hurt you!" I say going over to them and sitting beside them. They stare at me with wide eyes, not sure if they can trust me.

"Well, I'm Jef! I found you in the forest blacked out and dirty, so I took you in! I hope you feel at home" I beamed at them, trying to take them feel a bit better. "What's your name?"

"... I'm.. G-Goodboyhalo.. Just call me Good.." the creature mumbles, making it a bit harder for me to hear them, but just loud enough.

"Can I see your wounds? They looked really bad and I want to see if I can help with them" I slightly reach out my hand, getting a worried look from Good. He hesitates at first, before reaching out both his arms. I roll up his sleeves a bit to get a better image of his wounds. They were long and deep, still having some blood dripping out.

"Are there any more injuries?" I say, knowing it's not just his arms. He looks behind him at his tail. He gently takes hold of it, hissing in pain. It's really floppy and definitely has a broken bone. I'm not too good with broken bones, but I can do something about them.

" Just stay still, I'll try to heal you up a bit, okay? Are you okay with me healing you?" I looked at him, receiving a small nod of approval. I reach out my hand so to the floor, focusing hard on the spell. Small, glowing blue flowers pop out of the floor around Good. He looks quite surprised at first, but goes with the flow. Once the flowers are big enough, they release their pollen into the air and slowly start to heal Good.

The wounds start closing up and his tail starts getting into shape. After some time, his wounds are almost fully healed and his tail is back to normal. He looks at me in amazement.

"Wow... Th-thank you.. I really mean it.." he says in amazement, looking at his arms. I give him a warm smile.

"No problem! You're still a bit dirty soo.. You can go take a shower and I've also brought you some clean clothes!" I hand the clothes over to him, he gently takes them. "I'll show you the bathroom!"

I get up and reach out my arms for him to help him get up, he accepts my help. I hold onto his hand and take him to where the bathroom is.

"Take as much time as you need, I know you've definitely had a rough time looking at your condition" I gently pat his back. "I'll be in the living room, you know where that is"

I leave him to get cleaned up. I'm not fully sure if I can trust him, but he seems kind enough to keep in the house.

After some time, he comes out the bathroom in the clean clothes I gave him, they were slightly over-sized. He was holding onto his dirty clothes. He walks down the hall and back to where I was, in the living room.

"Umm.. Where do I put these?" he quietly says in confusion.

"Oh right! Here, let me take them from you!" I say. He gives me the clothes and I go to the kitchen and put them in the washing machine. I set it on and go back to Good in the living room, he's looking at around the place.

"So.. You don't have a place to stay, do you?" I ask him, getting his attention. He looks at me for a moment, before shaking his head.

"Well, Good, you can stay here as long as you want! It's not a problem!" I beamed at him. His tail started wagging a bit and he gave me a bright smile.

"Thank you very much! It means a lot to me" Good said in a happy tone. He was so damn adorable that I let out a loud squeal.

"GOOOSH YOU'RE SO CUUTE" I say running up to him and embracing him in a tight hug. He gets taken by surprise and almost falls over. After a while I finally let go off him and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"Not used to hugs?" I ask him. He shakes his head, looking down. That was going to change.

Sorry I'm gonna end the chapter here, I'm not very motivated. I might continue it in another part.

Words: 1314

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