~The Firey Light To My Darkness~

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Jef's pov

Good and I decided to take a walk in the forest, just to have some fresh air. It was getting more cloudy by the minute, and it getting a bit cold too. I zip up my jacket all the way up and pull down my beanie, I can feel myself shivering from the cold breeze.

Good looks colder than I am, rubbing his arms whilst clenching his cloak for additional warmth. He was shivering horribly and almost tripping on thin air.

"Hey Good.. Do you think we should head back home now?" I asked him worriedly, seeing the state he's in.

"Yeah.. Yeah that's a good idea.." he replied through his teeth. He doesn't do well at all in cold weather.

But then we heard some rustling from the great bushes not too far away from us, followed by some loud groans. Loud  and angry footsteps could be heard coming from them.

"Umm.. I think that's an animal..?" I quietly asked with a scared expression on my face.

"No shit, what else would be in those bushes?" he angrily said back.

"Yeah but, I don't think it's friendly.." I say as I take a few steps back. "Let's just quietly leav-"

Noones pov

Just then a great brown bear appeared through the bushes and stared at the two. Jef was horrified and Good was anxious. It was their first time seeing such a creature in this forest, as they were told it was safe in there. The bear started running directly at the two, loudly roaring it's way to them.

"RUUUN!" Jef screamed as he grabbed Good's arm making him almost trip and sprinted the opposite direction of the bear. They dodged trees and rocks that stood still in their way, still being careful of their surroundings. The bear was on their tail, almost literally on Good's. They took sharp turns to try get away, but the bear wasn't having it. The bear started roaring even louder and swiping its long claws at the boys.

"F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK F******CK" Good screeched as the bear almost bit his long tail. Both of the boys were already sweating and almost running out of breath.

Just then Jef spotted a cave they could get away in, and sprinted to it, dragging Good along. They took a few more sharp turns and quickly entered the dark cave.

"QUICK, BEHIND THOSE ROCKS!" Jef pointed at the large rocks that stood deeper in the cave, big enough for both of them to hide behind. As they reached the large rocks they could hear the bear entering the cave, angrily scratching the cave entrance.

Jef and Good sat down behind the large stones that stood in a corner. It was difficult to see what they were doing, but they managed to hide, unseen by the bear. It was still trying to find the both of them, but luckily for Good and Jef, the bear couldn't see a thing in the dark, gave up, and left the cave.

The boys were still panting, tired from the chase.

"Well that sure woke me up, now I won't be able to sleep at night" Jef said while getting his puffy hair out of his eyes.

"Yeah.. And we shouldn't leave the cave, we'll have to stay here for a while" Good replied.

"But why" Jef asked curiously.

"Because that THING could be still out there, waiting for us to exit this place and then we'll be eaten alive. Or seriously hurt. Either way we shouldn't leave for now" The exhausted demon said.

The both of them stay silent for a moment, before Jef was getting uneasy from the area lacking light.

"Hey Good.." Jef said quietly.

"What is it now?" He clearly didn't want to talk at the moment.

"It's reaaally dark in here, and I'm getting a bit scared.. Can you use your magic to light up the place a bit? Pleeaase?" Jef whined, not wanting to be a second longer in the dark.

"Fine, but if I waste enough energy because you're so scared, you're carrying me home" Good said in an annoyed tone of voice.

"Thank yoou" Jef replied.

The white demon sat up from lying on the dirty ground. He lifted up his hand to around his chest, and out sparked a bright blue flame from the palm of his hand. Jef was quite satisfied with what his friend could do, as both their magic is quite different from each others.

Jef scooted closer to Good, wanting to feel the warmth of the flame, only to now both the boys touching thighs. The demon boy slightly blushed, not knowing how to respond, so he stayed silent, looking away from the pumpkin. The pumpkin boy saw the slight blush on Good, and a smirk grew on his face.

He then wrapped his arm around Good's side and pulled him closer, resting his head on the others shoulder.

"Jef, I might burn you of you keep getting closer. And you know I can't control the soon to be stinging pain on your face" The fluffy demon says sternly, not wanting to hurt the pumpkin.

"I'll be fiiine. Besides, I can't control my burning passion for you~" Jef said as he lightly pressed his lips onto Good's cheek, making the other blush intensely.

"You- you darn pumpkin.." Good says in defeat, letting the orange boy cover the side of his face on small kisses whilst he keeps his burning hand away from him.

That was quite enjoyable. To write. Perhaps.

Words: 931

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