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No-ones pov

Good and Jef are both magical creatures. One is a fluffy demon/angel hybrid whilst the other is a pumpkin mutant. They usually have small fights to train, although sometimes it gets pretty bad. They train in the large fields that surround their little bungalow house. There were massive holes in some parts of the fields due to the training being a little intense.

Before they train, Good and Jef go for a short jog around the woods not too far away from their house, only about 7 minutes away if you're walking. There were times they've battled in the woods, but there are too many trees and not enough space for those two to fight in. They need a lot of space since Good uses fire magic most of the time and Jef sends his long vines to quickly strike, causing them to ruin the environment.

"Are you ready angel?" Jef said excitedly.

"I'm ready.." Good mumbled unwillingly.

"Cheer up a bit, you're gonna need the energy, believe me" Jef said as he wrapped his arm around Good as they walked to the middle of a field. "You just need a bit of waking up!"

"Jef, I woke up an hour ago after a four hour long sleep, give me a break" The demon grunted.

"Well then you're just giving me an advantage, so I guess I'll be the one winning today.." the pumpkin teased the demon, making Good a bit angered.

"Just because I'm tired doesn't mean I'm weak and won't win" he snarled, making the pumpkin smirk.

Just as they got to the middle of the grassy plains, Jef patted Good's shoulder and locked eyes with him.

"Good luck, you'll need it"

"I could say the same to you"

Both boys felt determined to start the fight, walking separate ways until about twenty meters from each other.

They paused for a moment, before Good sent a lashing blaze of blue fire towards Jef. Jef reacted quickly and his hard wooden-like vines struck out of the ground fast enough to block the blazing fire. Once the fire stopped Jef looked around for the demon, but he was no longer in front of him.

Just then Good sprinted from behind, ready to blow a firey punch at Jef. Luckily for him, he reacted quickly and managed to block the punch by sprouting the wood-like material from his arms like with his vines. Good quickly recoiled and send more fire from the palms of his hands. The pumpkin also blocked that attack, but this time send on of those vines to slam Good into the ground.

The demon wasn't fast enough to react and got slammed hard into the ground. His body felt a sharp pain in his back and needed a few moments to get up, but he knew he didn't have much time.

And so he burst out in flames. It would be difficult to get close to him if he was protected by a great shield of fire. He took the time to get up and see where the pumpkin has went, not getting so much of a clear image due to the fire in front of his eyes.

He then spotted Jef on a tall vine pillar, making a sort of fort on top.

"This isn't Minecraft, Jef.." Good said, slightly annoyed.

He thought of ways to get to that darn pumpkin without getting hurt in the process, like flying could get him knocked out of the sky. Soon glowing blue lava was coming out of the ground, and Good send it right at the bottom of the tall pillar that was holding a semi-circular fort on top. The pillar broke, sending the structure down as it falls.

The pumpkin boy falls out of his build and painfully lands on the ground, rolling slightly before stopping. His whole body stang in pain, some spots on his body bleeding. He spotted the demon boy sending his shiny lava in his direction. He could only ever do so much at this time, so he used his most to win this battle.

The ground under Good slightly shook before Jef's vines struck out of the ground, getting a hold of fluffy male. The grasp of the vines were extremely tight, making it hard for Good to breathe.

Small thorns were beginning to sprout out of the wooden twigs, worrying Good even more. He burst out in flames, only ever doing so much as Jef's vines took a while to burn. The fluffy male was starting to panic, not wanting to lose to the other.

He thought that was it before thinking of a trick that might work.

He screamed.

He screeched loudly, his voice almost echoing through the fields.

It shocked Jef, making him think he hurt Good terribly, making him release the other male from his long wooden twigs. Good's plan worked perfectly.

Jef finally got up and ran to Good, before getting hit by a storm of fire. He fell to the ground before seeing the demon slowly walking towards him. He stomped his foot on Jef's stomach, making him cough out some blood.

"Looks like I won this fight" The demon said joyfully.

"Not exactly, angel" Jef said with a weak smirk on his face.

"And how's tha-" before Good finish his sentence Jef grabbed his leg and slammed Good right into the ground before pinning him to the ground.

"Maybe you shouldn't celebrate so soon" the pumpkin said as the other whined in pain. "Only if you admit I won this battle will I let you go."

"Not a chance" the demon said weakly. Jef slightly chuckled under his breath and turned his arm to wood in an instant, before grabbing onto Good's neck and slightly squeezing, making the other cough in pain.

"Admit I won and I won't hurt you" Jef said in a low voice, sending shivers up Good's spine.

"FiIiInNnEe.. You won this small victory.." he said in defeat.

Jef chuckled as he let go of Good and reaching out his hand to help him get up. Good slowly accepted it, struggling to get up as he almost stumbles over.

"Come on, I'll heal us both" Jef said brightly, putting his hand on the ground before a pink and golden flower rose from the earth, lightly sparkling in the sunlight. It started glowing, sending veins of green light towards both boys, slowly but surely healing them up.

"We should get back home now, I'll heal us up more there" Jef said getting up, getting a small nod from Good.

Both males started walking home, with the pumpkin wrapping his arm around the other. The demon rested his head on Jef's shoulder as they both walked together across the field.

Let's gooo, epic anime battle >:D

Words: 1141

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