After smiling shyly up into his sparkling eyes, I open the little present and gasp.

"Zach, that's just like..."

"Just like mine?" Zach ends the sentence for me and takes the little bracelet out of the box. "May I?

I nod and watch as he wraps the light gold piece of jewelry around my wrist. My fingers brush over the tiny pendant and I warmly smile down at my hand. The delicate chain is golden too and the infinity symbol on top of is a bit smaller than Zach's.

"Now we've got matching ones," Zach states with a chuckle and takes my hand in his. Even though, I'm wearing high heels, he is still taller than me, so I wrap my hands around his neck and pull him down.

"Thank you," I breathe before softly pressing my lips against his. For a moment, we simply savor the moment and enjoy the intimacy between us until Zach pulls away and grins down at me.

"I saw it at the mall on Tuesday. Aria needed ages to pick the right television for her, so I had some time to stroll around. I actually had no intention to buy anything, but when I saw this little bracelet, I just had to take it."

I giggle and tilt back my head, smirking into Zach's face. "You're a real romantic guy, aren't you?"

"I think, you fished that out of me. Since all my previous flings were purely physical, I never felt the urge to do things like that. I was never the cute type of guy, quite the opposite, actually. Girls always complained how unromantic I was and that I wasn't willing to commit myself to any of them, but I just didn't feel it, you know." Zach takes my hand and lifts it to his lips where he brushes a gentle kiss on my knuckles. "But when I met you, I knew right from the start that you are different to all the other girls. I knew that I couldn't just be friends with benefits with you."

"I would have never agreed to that, anyway," I counter and nudge his nose. His words make me feel special and confident. Feelings which Zach released in me right from the start of our relationship.

"That's my girl," Zach laughs and pecks my lips. "Ready to go?"

I nod and squeak when Zach slaps my butt as soon as I turn to leave. Hopefully, this evening will be as bright as Zach's mood today.


Nora took the evening off tonight, and asked two girls, who always help her at the bar whenever it gets too busy, to take over for tonight, so she can enjoy the party with us. Beside us girls, Ben, Liam, and Zach, also Abbey's sister and her boyfriend as well as two girls and a guy from her yoga course are here tonight, so we're thirteen people altogether.

Right after Zach and I have arrived, the girls and I hand Abbey our birthday present, a camping weekend at the Banff national park in June with all of us girls including Zach, Ben, and Liam. Actually, Nora, Sadie, and Hailey have planned this all on their own and I just participated in the costs since I wasn't a great help the past weeks. This is a dream coming true for Abbey. She always wished for a camping weekend with the whole group, but since Hailey isn't the biggest nature fan, we never did it before. However, we somehow managed to persuade her and now we're so excited to make this possible for Abbey. Well, Nora, Sadie, and I are excited. Hailey is rather only okay with it, but I'm sure, once we're there, she'll like it too. Especially since she and Ben will have a camper all to themselves just as Zach and me, Abbey and Liam, and Nora and Sadie each have one alone. Abbey is in tears when she opens our envelope, and hugs each of us at least five times before ordering a round of shots for the whole group.

Two hours later, Abbey's birthday party is already in full swing. Zach is standing at the bar with the guys and Abbey, Nora, and I are dancing wildly to the playlist Abbey created for this evening. It's amazing. A perfect mixture of oldies and modern music. We already had a few drinks, and I must admit I feel amazing. The company of my friends paired with the great music and the alcohol helps me blinding out my problems for tonight and I'm really enjoying myself for a change.

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