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Makki has been acting strange lately. Every time this orange-haired guy, whose name turned out to be Hinata, appeared, he tensed.

Hinata was a strange guy. He would always visit the coffee shop when Makki did. Another weird thing was that Hinata would always leave at the exact same time my shift ended so we would share the same way home. At least for a while.

This seemed to bother Makki a lot. He always looked as if he could kill Hinata right on the spot. It scared me a bit as I was used to seeing Makki being really nice and genuine. Maybe they had some sort of history.

Another weird thing was that when Hinata and Makki would meet up, they wouldn't talk. It would look like they had a conversation but neither spoke a word or even moved their lips. It almost looked like they communicate through their thoughts but that was impossible.

There was also this weird black-haired guy who always looked at the coffee shop through the window. He worked at the ice cream shop next to it and had a really creepy smile. I don't know why Iwaizumi employed him but that wasn't any of my business so I didn't bother thinking of it any further.

Today I saw Hinata staring at me as if I was some sort of Paradise. It freaked me out. Makki sometimes had the same expression when he was around me but on Makki, it looked cute, on Hinata it just looked creepy. We were complete strangers, we didn't even exchange one word and he looked at me as if I was some god. No wonder why Makki didn't like him.

I really wanted to tell Hinata to stop but it would probably come out wrong and then he would think that I'm arrogant and stuff like that and I hated when people thought something like that about me as it was completely false. That's why I just kept quiet like I always did.

Mindreader, HanaMatsuWhere stories live. Discover now