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After a while, Oikawa finally came. "Hello, Makki. Did something happen while I wasn't here?" Oikawa asked suspiciously. I didn't need to read his mind to know that he saw Hinata. "An old friend came by but you probably already knew that," I replied. "yep, saw him a second ago. I assume you talked," Oikawa said. "yes," I responded. 

"Well, what did he want?" Oikawa asked. I couldn't tell him the truth so I just went with, "He moved here because of his parent's job". Oikawa didn't know that Hinata hadn't been in contact with his parents since he turned 16 so he wouldn't be suspicious and just buy it. 

"Oh, okay. Well, I'm glad he's back. We were good friends back then although I think he had a crush on me. If he did, he would be over it by now, right?" Oikawa said and for a moment I questioned whether he could read minds as well. He couldn't. He was just extremely good at reading people. Almost as good as me and I could literally read them or rather what they thought. 

I got an offer in an ice-cream shop which was next to a big coffee shop. The two shops were actually one as the owners were dating and connected them. But that wasn't really important. Important was that I had the perfect job. Many students went to this coffee shop and I was able to look out for this mind reader I've been searching for. He could be elsewhere but maybe I was lucky and he came here. 

On my first day, I saw a lot of people enter the coffee shop next door, one of them being a pink-haired guy. He could be a mind reader as well as the power had something to do with this special pigment or something like this. There wasn't literature on this so information was rare. 

In the next moment, I saw something orange at the edge of my field of vision but the next moment it was gone. I continued looking for it while I did my job but I didn't see the boy with orange hair I was looking for. 

Then I was called to the back to make more ice cream and had to give up my spying job but that was okay. I had time. 

Mindreader, HanaMatsuWhere stories live. Discover now