He held her close and spoke quietly, 'The past few days that you were gone, were absolute torture. I felt your pain as you were ripped away from me, your ties were cut from  Asgard. I was going to ask you when you were taken. That was why I had wanted to talk to you about before you were taken from me.'

'You were?' she asked uncertain. She looked at his as though he had gone mad, and worried he actually had. These past few days were beginning to take its toll, afterall it would with anybody.

'Y/N, There have been many things that I have been unsure about in my life. you have not been one of them. You are as essential to me as the air that I breathe. I do not know love, or profess to really know anything about it truly. But what I do know is that you are what I wish for every day. you challenge me, irritate me, make me jealous of you. You cannot truly be jealous of someone and not hold something in your heart for them. You see past any lies, and I find myself unable to lie to you. I love you.'

Y/N Smiled and kissed him passionately, 'Yes. I will. I will Marry you!' she laughed and kissed him again and he did the same. Her heart was full and for a moment she forgot about the curse Thanos had inflicted upon her. 'I will marry you, Loki of Asgard. I will be your wife.'


Loki and Y/N were dried and dressed, and they walked hand in hand and chased each other through the forest, kissing and teasing one another in a sweet game of tig. They carried firewood back through for the fire Nitid would cast, and talked about their wedding plans.

'I'm telling you, I want a white wedding Loki, and I want Nitid or Mary Warren to give me away.'

'These Midgardian traditions are so mundane. Why can we not just have you bound to me in a handfasting. it is quick, easy and we can get right to the wedding night.'

Y/N laughed and slapped his chest lightly, 'And we cannot see each other the day before the wedding, it's bad luck.' 

Loki groaned with annoyance, these rules did not sit with him but Y/N did not care. She laughed at his obvious boredom with Midgardian rules and this one was just the cherry on top.

'I do hope our children are not as stubborn as you.' he quipped and this made Y/N pause. Loki wanted children, young princes or princesses of Asgard who would go on to rule one day. Her heart pained all over again, as this was now something stolen from her that she could never give him.

'Loki, about that-' She began to confess, but before the words came out someone stumbled through the leaves and shoots of the forest floor. It was Gamora. 

'You!' Y/N Shouted 'What the hell are you doing here?'

Loki ran forward and knocked her to the ground, holding his daggers to her throat. 'You are foolish to think I would not end your miserable existence.' He raged ready and poised to kill, but Y/N grabbed onto him holding him back.

'Stop Loki, she helped me escape.' 

'That is right, and I came here to warn you-' Gamora struggled against Loki's grip and he held fast as he demanded to know what she was doing there.

'Thanos, he knows where you are and has sent his people to fetch you back. And he knows your mother is here too.'

Y/N began to run back to the camp, with Loki and Gamora in tow, desperate to find the rest of the group and stop any bloodshed. As she ran, she thought about Nitid, and her cruel unfeeling words she had spoken to her of late. She picked up the pace, Loki was shouting frantically behind her trying to stop her from getting into danger, but it was no use. She just had to make it across.

The yells of Thor, Nitid and Brokkr as they fought No, no, no! she thought as she ran forward, Not them. Please don't let them! She made her way back to the camp and saw Kree, Y/N Let the energy run through her hands as she began releasing light through her finger flinging Kree soldiers without breaking a sweat. 

Unknown to her, one kree soldier was hiding, poised with his weapon, aiming it squarely at Y/N. Nitid turned to see what was happening, she ran to Y/N screaming. 'Y/N Look out!' She reached Y/N Just in time and pushed her out of the way of the firing weapon. Y/N Looked up to her mother who smiled at her, then looked down to realise she was bleeding. Y/N cast her hands at the assailant knocking him against the tree, ran to Nitid and held her as she fell.

'Nitid, no. Please you're going to be okay!' She cried as she held her.

'It's no good, that weapon was made especially to kill anyone with Celestial blood. They must have been ready for Nitid.' Brokkr explained.

'No, she can't die!' Y/N Cried. all gathered round her, they could not undo what was done. What was yet another happy day became filled with sorrow in an instant.

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