Start from the beginning


The Cowboy pulls the black Chevvy up at the outlook at the top of the road, a glittering view of the city glimmers below.. Leaving the radio playing soft country rock, he gets out, rounding the hood of the truck to open the door for you.. He offers you his hand, taking the bag of takeout and helping you down..

Together you sit on the tailgate, quietly munching french fries and sharing a sugary soda.. "Oh wow, Colt.. It's absolutely beautiful from up here.. You would never know the secrets the city holds.. The suffering going on down there on the streets.. So much of it because of what my father has done.. From a distance, everything looks so perfect.. But then you get up close and you see all the cracks and imperfections.. The truth.."

You can feel his eyes burning into you, but you don't dare take your gaze from the spectacular view.. You're too nervous.. "You really don't want to go back, do you?" He cocks a curious ear in your periphery..

You shake your head, the night breeze cooling your core temperature fast.. "Want to?.. No.. What for?.. There's nothing left for me.. I'm going back because it's the right thing, there is no choice.. There never really was.. One way or another, I need to end this.."

He shrugs out of his heavy, fleece-lined denim jacket, leaning across to wrap it around your shoulders when he sees you shiver.. "When it's all over, you can leave this all behind, Sugar.. Start again someplace new.. I reckon you'd fit right in down in Bama', especially in them little boots.." He winks..

You know he is kidding.. But it doesn't really sound all that terrible to you.. A new life.. A fresh start..

Okay, maybe not the deep south.. But somewhere nobody knows your name.. Where you're just another face in the crowd..

You shrug.. "I don't know about Alabama.. But - - That sounds nice.. Impossible.. But nice.."

You dust your hands off on your short denim skirt and lay back to look up at the stars, speckling inky the sky above like a billion little fairy lights twinkling brightly.. The silvery moon setting everything it touches aglow.. Your pulse picks up as you work to pluck up the courage to say what is on your mind.. "So, are we just not going to talk about last night?"

He shifts, looking back over his shoulder at you.. "What is there to talk about, Sweetness?"

"Really?" You push up to your elbows to scowl at him.. "Wow.. Nice, Colt, real nice.." You sit up, folding your arms crossly..

He chuckles.. "Christ-Almighty.. Why does everything I say piss you off?"

"Because I thought something was-- happening--between us, and you act like you'd rather forget about it.. Do you want me to just pretend like it's nothing? Am I making all this up in my head?" You swing your legs up and fold them to one side, turning to face him now..

"Uhh, Is that what I said?.." He frowns, balling his fist into his other hand to work out the cracks in his knuckles..

You chew on your lip, feeling flustered but determined not to turn everything into a fight again.. "You haven't said anything.. Colt, I'm trying to understand.. But, it's confusing.. Why can't you just give me something.. Something real.. Anything.."

"I'm tryin'.. I--I don't know how, Sugar.." He strains, running a hand back through his soft-blonde hair..

"You do.." You lean closer, raking your nails over the taut denim wrapped around his muscular thigh..

Suddenly, his touch is moving up your legs, hands seeking hungrily over your silky flesh, moving as if independent of his rational thoughts..

"I know I wanna kiss you again.. Real bad.." He groans in frustration as if warring with himself..

The Colt & The Cobra - THE SPECTER SERIES [book six]Where stories live. Discover now