Part 69 - Sloshed Again

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Part 69


" Well clearly you're in no mood to sleep, so why dont we watch a movie..??

Shall we..?? "
Nicholas finally managed to say after a long eye lock session with Maya in hopes that her inebriation level will lessen.

With her hyped up mood, Maya quickly agreed as she announced;
" Okayy..
Movie night.
But I will choose!!!! "

" Okay pumpkin.
Here's the laptop..

Choose the movie meanwhile I'll get us something to eat and drink. "
Nicholas said as he handled over his laptop to Maya and walked to get some snacks.

While typing on the laptop, Maya shouted loud;
" I want chocolates.
Get me some..!! "

" Okay. "
Nicholas replied loud to Maya and then said in a lower tone to himself;
" With any kind of alcohol in it..
I'm not repeating last time's mistake..!! "

And within some minutes, Nicholas returned to their room loaded with food and drinks and Maya as well had chosen a movie and was now awaiting for husband and the snacks.

Soon they both settled in the bed and got comfortable.

" So what are we watching.? "
Nicholas questioned Maya who was ripping the wrappers off chocolates in the most childish way ever.

And as she stuffed the same chocolates into her mouth, Maya managed to reply her husband;
" I got this movie in the recommendations It's a love story..
365 days...
Have you ever seen it before..?? "

Love stories..
And me..??
Woman you really expect me to go and watch love stories when I have thousands of business matters and the family drama hanging on my head.?

Nicholas thought to himself as he stared at Maya finishing all the chocolates that he brought at once.

" No. I haven't..

Guess we'll watch it together..!! "
Nicholas replies as he uses his finger to wipe the extra chocolate smeared all over her lips and mouth thanks to Maya's messy way of eating.

Nicholas is about to eat the little bit of chocolate that's left from Maya but before he can, Maya grabs his hand with her eyes locked on her husband, she licks all the remaining lit bit of chocolate from Nicholas' finger in the way which Nicholas personally felt was very much intimate.

" The chocolate's mine..!!

Dont even try..!! "
Maya says once she leaves Nicholas' hand as the poor husband just looks at his wife all amazed.

" Start the damn movie Maya..!! "
Nicholas says unwilling to get into any more kind of conversation with Maya knowing that it will be him only who will have a hard time answering and handling this intoxicated woman.

Within the first 5 minutes of the movie, both Nicholas and Maya kept their eyes on the laptop's screen as their mouths hung open in disbelief. The couple who were just expecting a normal love story didnt expect the movie to have such intimate and sexy scenes hence they both sat in their place turned on without saying anything or moving at all.

After the er*tic plane scene with the hero and air hostess, Maya managed to move her head and look at her husband who's eyes were locked on the screen.

His Forced Wife  ~  [ COMPLETED] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon