The corner of Tony's mouth rosa, a horrible attempt for a kind smile. "I know my decision was a little...unprepared, but I can assure you that I'm doing this for you." Tony said, shifting a little uncomfortably where he stood.

Steve's mouth was open in surprise and disbelief. Unprepared? Unprepared?! Heck yes, it had been unprepared! They had planned to move in together. They had talked about how to get their future to work. They had basically discussed everything there was to discuss, only to have it thrown away almost immediately because Tony was too much of a coward to tell Steve the truth! They would never have been here if Tony would've just told him THE TRUTH.

"I'm gonna miss you." Tony finished. Apparently, he had said some more things, but Steve didn't have the nerve to listen.

"Hold think I'm okay with this?!" Steve interrupted, not caring about the last words the other had spoken, nor how loud he was.

Tony raised his eyebrows. "I- what?" He asked, now looking taken aback.

Steve looked at him with the same unbelieving facial expression, before it suddenly fell. "Tony I- no! I'm not taking this well! I really am not taking this well at all I- you seriously think I'm gonna let you leave me?! You really think I will delete you from my life just like that?!" He asked loudly, his voice sharp but clear while he looked at the other guy with disappointed eyes.

"Tony this is unfair." He said, causing Tony to look away from him while biting his teeth together. "You can't just decide something without discussing it with me. It's not you vs me. It's us vs this horrible group of people who wants to hurt you." Steve exclaimed.

"And you." Tony said between his teeth.

"Exactly. Which means we're in this together." Steve said a little more gently.

"You don't understand Steve!" Tony suddenly yelled and Steve almost took a step backward at the sudden change of mood. "You don't know these people! You weren't inside the burning building! You weren't there when they shot my dad's brain out of his head!" Tony took another step forward as he pulled off his sunglasses roughly and in anger. Now Steve could see his eyes. Those huge brown orbs were surrounded by signs of tiredness. Tony's eyes were red and joined by a pair of dark eye bags. His eyelashes look heavy and wet, and Steve swallowed at the realization that he had been crying.

That was probably why he stopped at a gas station, to get some coffee.

"You know nothing about what they can do." Tony said with a harsh voice. Almost threatening. "You think you know everything about them. You think you're safe, that we're safe. That if we're together, we'll get through everything. Well that's not true."

The words were like sharp knives in Steve's heart. Tony was staring at him, he was shaking. He was pointing at him with his coffee mug every time he said the word "you". It was like the things he said were something he had been carrying for a while now. Afraid to speak up. Afraid of Steve.

"Remember Jeremy?" Tony suddenly cried out and Steve swallowed while he looked away from Tony's angry eyes. "You know, the guy who got killed right in front of our eyes? Yes him I know you remember him." Tony spat when he saw how Steve shifted at the name. "He and Ryan fought together. They desperately tried to survive every day. Together. And you saw how that turned out. I don't want that to happen to you Steve. I don't want that to happen to us!"

"Breaking up is not gonna make anything better!" Steve protested, gathering enough confidence to take a half step forward.

"But at least you'll be alive. And safe." Tony said with a slightly calmer voice.

"I don't want to be alive without you!" Steve cried out.

"Steve stop it!" Tony's voice over-spoke Steve's protests and complaints. The raven-haired tried to walk past the one who was blocking his path, but Steve refused to move out of his way.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now