Chapter 45 ~ Secret

Start from the beginning

He had to do more research.

After a couple hours into the night of gathering research and taking notes, he put together his findings and realized he had to keep this all a secret, at least for now.

After this, he couldn't trust anyone.

Just as he was about to call it a night, he phone began to buzz.

He looked down to see that it was Linda.

Why was she calling at this hour?

"Hello?" Dex said, picking up.

"DEXY! HELP!" Linda screeched into the phone, breathing heavily.

"What's going on?!" Dex exclaimed, sitting up.

"THAT EVIL GIRL ATTACKED ME!" Linda cried out. Dex heard her crying hysterically on the other end.

"Linda, calm down. Tell me what's going on— who attacked you?" Dex asked.


"WHAT?!" Dex yelled out, in shock.

Was THAT where Marella had been all this time?!

What was even going on today?!


"No! Marella would never do such a thing!" Dex exclaimed, still confused as to what was even happening.

How would Marella even know how to find Linda?

"Yes she would! That girl has mental issues! She said she wanted to kill me because she was jealous!" Linda continued.

"Jealous?! Of you?!" Dex asked, still not being able to process anything she was saying.

"Yes! I'm sorry Dex! I tried my best to calm her down and work things out but she wasn't listening! Dex please help me," Linda continued to cry out. "I'm hurt real bad!" She added.

"Hang on, I'll be right over," Dex said, quickly hanging up.

He had no idea what was going on but he needed to resolve this now.

Right when Dex was about to get up and leave, he jumped in fright when he saw Mr. Forkle standing in the doorway.

"Ah— Mr. Forkle! I um, didn't realize you were awake," Dex stuttered.

Mr. Forkle narrowed his eyes. "I was, but you were so loud that I woke up." He then grumbled something about you kids.

"I'm sorry," Dex quickly apologized.


"Hold up, how are you here?! You're supposed to be with the other group!" Dex realized.

"Whoops looks like you caught me. Yes, I followed you back here when I saw you snuck leaving our hotel room," Mr. Forkle replied.

"Oh," Dex mumbled. "I was um, looking for Marella."

Dex realized that he must have just missed the whole Biana situation.

Mr. Forkle then looked down at the watch on his wrist. "At 1am?"

"Whoops," Dex mumbled, feeling his ears turn red.

Wait, why had Mr. Forkle followed him?

Mr. Forkle's eyes then moved down to Dex's findings. "You're not going anywhere."


"I said, you aren't going anywhere," Mr. Forkle repeated, getting closer.

"I have to, my friend Linda needs help," Dex replied, realizing Mr. Forkle must have been listening in to when he was on the phone with her.

"No," Mr. Forkle said.

"Um..." Dex mumbled, not sure what was going on.

"You, have been researching something you shouldn't be researching," Mr. Forkle accused, snatching Dex's findings.

"What do you know about this?" Dex demanded.

Mr. Forkle looked up at Dex. "I know everything I need to know. You need to stop and forget this research. I don't know how you came up with this idea but this ends now."

"Tell me what's going on!" Dex demanded, trying to snatch the research back. "That's mine!"

"Not anymore," Mr. Forkle said, starting to leave.

Dex couldn't do anything as he watched Mr. Forkle leave with all of his research.

What was going on?!

The Biana and Keefe thing, the whole Marella and Linda situation, and now this?!

Nothing added up. Somehow, Mr. Forkle knew about these crystals too and who knew what he was doing now.

Dex stumbled back as he struggled to come up with a plan to get help.

But who could he trust?

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