Chapter 17 - Astrid

Start from the beginning

"Are you kidding me, mom? That's rich coming from an 'Omega."

"Don't you disrespect me. I have rightfully assimilated to the pack same as your father."

"Mom, you're missing the point. We're not wolves! At least, I have sense enough to know this and no, I am not here to look for Bianca because I have a sick dream of becoming her Beta or something."

"I meant," her tone is serious now, "that you are not responsible for Bianca."

"She's my best friend. Of course, I am."

"I wish your father was here to talk some sense into you. But he's currently with Alpha Gilbert, who is extremely furious, by the way. You kids may as well have started a war."

"Oh, please," I scoff, shaking my head in disbelief. "I can't believe he's more concerned about saving face than searching for his daughter."

"Well, he will know now that you've told me. We'll get Bianca home soon, so you need to come home too."

"Mom, even if I were to come home, I will never be a part of the pecking order."

"Fine, then you can go live with your aunt Ellie. Is that what you want? If space is what you want, you're free to move to New York. Anything but where you are right now, across the ocean in a foreign land."

"And what's the difference that I'm here in Mesaniskia?"

"Oh, Goddess. Did you just say it like the Lycans do?"

I shake my head. So, that's my dad's problem. The Lycans. Funny, that used to be my problem too just a few days ago.

"Mom, I'll call you back. I can't handle this right now."

"Astrid, don't you—"

I cut the video call.

Well, that was just about as horrible as I expected it to go. I dismiss all the text messages, not really in the right headspace to read them all when I'm supposed to be getting ready for a 'late night family run'.

I hover a finger to call my sister, An, but instead throw the phone onto the far corner of the bed and crash into a pillow. My eyes droop heavily as my mind begins to wander. I think about dad and mom. I think about An and her book shop. I think about Bianca, hoping she's safe. I think about Rio, his aqua eye, and his black eye, and I drift off to sleep.

I emerge on the other side, light rays beaming into my eyes, blinding my vision. I hear a woman's voice echoing all around me, calling my name. She tells me to find the white wolf.

I am. I will.

She hums to herself, a tune unfamiliar yet almost recognizable.

What is that?

She says it's the song that runs through my blood and the blood of my ancestors. She says that I must—

"Miss Astrid."

I get yanked out of my dream by Nicole's shrill voice as she stands ominously by the doorway.

"I have here, some requested items from Alpha Xenakis." She enters the room with a cart full of clothing, towels and other amenities and begins placing them into the empty closet. "This will only take a minute."

"Sure, go ahead."

I sit up in bed trying to remember the tune I heard in my dream. It was slightly adagio, a slow tune, melancholic and blue, although all around me was bright yellow. I hum it out loud to see if I remember it correctly when Nicole finishes up and bows to leave.

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