He was getting the upper hand, Bellatrix was losing her footing and some curses narrowly missing her. Cedric had a smirk forming on his face. I froze. This felt so similar yet so distant.

The veil. It was right beside Cedric, one wrong footing, one missed curse could end his life. My eyes went wide, "Expelliarmus!" I gasped, the curse aimed at Bellatrix for the second time.

She blocked it and nonverbally shot another jet of red light, for which Cedric countered. Two against one, what duel.

The dais was filled with cries of hexes shot towards the opponent, advancing and retreating of soles, until finally, one pair of feet fell back onto the ground.

I took Cedric's hand leading him away from the dais and the veil, and into the midst of the room. I scanned the room for a sign of black messy hair only to find it disappearing out of the room.

I let out a deep breath, it's over.

"SIRIUS ORION BLACK!" I hollered as I burst through the doors of Grimmauld Place. A loud screeching sounded from the left, more precisely, from Walburga Black's portrait without a glance at her side, without a knowledge of the curse I used on it, the portrait fell silent.

"(Y/N), please, think this through," Cedric held me back by the arm.

I looked at him coldly. Cedric's grip loosened on my arm along with horror settling in his eyes. I pried my arm away from his grip, marching into the kitchen.

Sirius stood up abruptly, Remus by his side looking at the two of us precautiously. Sirius glanced behind me, at Cedric, puzzled.

"You alright?" Sirius asked, seeming genuinely concerned.

"No thanks to you," I hissed in contrast to how I barged into the room, "Do you remember you promised me something?"

I could see it dawning on Sirius as his eyes widened, his breath quickening. He hurriedly shook his head, wanting to rant his excuse.

"Save it," I breathed, chuckling humorlessly, "You know, I was telling myself - Sirius would keep his promise, he told me he wouldn't leave the place and blah blah blah. And when I saw you there duelling Bellatrix," I frowned, doing ridiculous hand gestures, "Goodness, I just for once felt like that and I hated it,"

"I felt," I took a deep breath, running a hand through my hair, "Betrayed."

The atmosphere of the room changed as I uttered that word.

Remus whipped his head to look at me, eyes wide in disbelief though I could see a hint of 'I told you so,' within them. I knew Cedric would have winced and looked away.

Sirius, oh, Sirius looked as though he had been petrified or six stunning spells hurled right at his chest. Feet rooted to the spot, lips parted as he stared at me emotionlessly. He subtly rocked himself, heaving deep breaths. The atmosphere was so thick it could be cut with a knife.

I shook my head, "You know, you were this close," I held up my right hand pinching my index finger and thumb almost together, "to just being gone, gone forever, no return whatsoever,"

I glared at his silent form, "I know the excuse for it - it was Harry in danger, your godson, and things, but did you ever realise what would have done to him if you died? For Merlin's sake the only remaining family, a connection to his parents is you! And he would have lost you,"

I let out a shaky breath, watching Sirius' tearing filling eyes, "I repeatedly told you to stay inside, just stay where you are and it's not just for you but for us too! Yet, you wouldn't listen and adamantly be the rebel you think you are,"

I looked away from him as he lowered his head. I could see the sun rising clearly through the window, it really has been a long day.

I turned back to Sirius, gazing intently at him. He looked broken and I could see a single pearly drop fall into the carpet from beneath the mass of his curls. I wiped my own that I never knew started to spill.

"I had to," He whispered and I wouldn't have heard it given the silent atmosphere, "I lost Harry once because I didn't react properly, and I didn't want to lose him again,"

"You really are stupid, aren't you?" I whispered back, tears once again collecting in the corner of my eyes, "If you had stayed here you would have somehow seen him but if you had, I dunno, something happened to you there he will never be able to see you!"

"Well, it's better than living without your godson," He mumbled.

"Better than living without your godson!?," I scoffed, "Do you not understand what I am saying?"

"(Y/N), enough," Remus warned. 

"No, it's not, he should understand what he would have done," I argued back but Remus shook his head violently.

"No, Remus, let her continue," Sirius, who had looked up straight into my eyes, said, "Go ahead, accuse me, that's what you all do, don't you!?"

"Accuse you!? I am not accusing you, I am merely stating what you have done!"
"Yes, but wrongly! It's my godson you are speaking about! I will give my life for him!"

"That's exactly what I am saying! You don't have to give him your life, just," I sighed, "Just stay with him is all we are saying," 

"Oh, please!" He suddenly raised his voice, "I am exhausted! 12 years, kid, 12 years! I was locked up for 12 years not knowing what happens outside and being driven insane! I come back and bam! I am locked up again but this time knowing what happens and you expect me to stay in rather help my godson!? Hell, he is the reason I broke out in the first place!"

I blinked. This was not what I expected, this Sirius was not who he was mere seconds ago. He was shivering in rage, his fists clenched to his side.

"Like you said he is the reason you broke out!" I yelled back, "What if you were locked up again or even worse!"

"Nothing would have happened that way!" Sirius yelled, desperately.

"It was-" I shivered as a chill ran down my spine and the temperature dropped, quite literally.

"Wow, so cute,"  

A Promise To Forever...(Cedric Diggory x reader)Where stories live. Discover now