Chapter 27

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Cedric and I waited, we waited for an exhausting hour lounging near the black lake when (BF/N) came bolting towards us, "What's wrong?" The two of us scrambled to our feet.

"It's time, the two of you need to leave," she said, taking deep compensation breaths.

"Wait, two of us?" Cedric asked, looking at her weirdly.

"Yes, you and pride," she said, looking around urgently.

"First of all - I'm not leaving you here alone," I said glaring at her, "Second of all - how the hell are we supposed to go?"

"No, it's you guys that must go, not me," She looked at me angrily when I opened my mouth to argue, "NO! For once, listen to me! It's just you two who are needed there! Not me! Besides, I've got more pressing matters to deal with here than roam around the ministry! That's what you do, not me! And how many kids from Hogwarts do you want to roam around the ministry, a highly guarded place, like a bunch of fools in that place!"

I blinked and stared at her, shocked beyond the level at her outburst and neither of us was, at that time, stable. Though I knew not to blame her a small part of me overruled. I clenched my fingers.

Cedric let out a sharp breath, "Is-is everything alright?"

"Of course, it is alright, Mr Diggory," she said, adding a humourless chuckle, "Why not? You, your girlfriend, enjoy your trip to the Ministry, while, I deal with my stupid matters cause yours is obviously more important than mine,"

I stared at her, "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, nothing important. Just get going," she rolled her eyes.

I gritted my teeth, "Fine,"

"What?" Cedric whipped his head to look at me gawking at her, bewilderment hidden beneath the veil of coldness. I could see (BF/N)'s guards falter for a second.

"We will go alone, if that's what you want," I said to her and then turned to Cedric, "come on,"

He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, glancing at (BF/N) and then back at me. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

Soon, the two of us found ourselves walking down the dark deserted corridor of Hogwarts. This day sure was a rollercoaster.

"I don't know why (BF/N) reacted like that," Cedric said, carefully. I remained silent for his statement. He sighed and interlocked our fingers, pulling me closer to his side, "Perhaps it was to send us alone?"

"I dunno," I said simply, hoping Cedric would get the hint that I did not want to talk about it. Thankfully, he did and diverted into a much pressing matter, "How are we getting there?"

"Goodness, yes. Thes-" I started to suggest.

"No. I don't wanna fly in something I can't even see,"


"We don't have one. Apparate?"

I scoffed, "You can't apparate inside Hogwarts,"

"Ok, um, then, portkey?"

"Where the hell are we supposed to find one?"

"Well, what are we using then!? Walking to the ministry in London!?"

"I dunno!" I yelled exasperatedly and closed my eyes. God, what do we use to travel!?

Well, finally, a voice muttered. I jumped a foot in the ar. Cedric placed a hand on my arm, looking at me with extreme concern in his eyes. I raised my hand, asking him to stop fretting and closed my eyes, concentrating on the voice.

Who are you first of all?

You've forgotten me this soon?


It's Hades, you fool!

Oh! How are you, Mr Hades?

The voice didn't answer a few seconds and then came a sound vaguely similar to a sigh.

Kid, I really want you to stop meddling in my business.

I am not.

Yes, you are. Where are you going now?

Ministry of magic.


To save Sirius Black.

There you go. I really do not want to help you but with the persistence from...from someone. I am here to guide you. It sounded as though he grumbled the last part.

Oh? Thanks to the someone then.

Now, he has arranged you a favour by pulling a few strings. Just...whistle. He definitely grumbled the last part through gritted teeth.

I opened my eyes to look at Cedric staring intently at me. Drawing a deep breath, I whistled loudly.

Cedric looked taken aback although he had no time to react. The atmosphere surrounding us changed, the wind suddenly grew harsh, swishing our cloaks violently as we huddled together, looking around for the source.

Seconds later the source appeared - a beautiful, majestic horse, wait, not a horse. A unicorn without the horn in its head. The...animal had a lush, groomed, rich white mane and an inhumane (obviously) grin on its face that startled the two of us even more. Its wings were spread wide from its landing. It was too good-looking to be a hippogriff and too pure white to be a thestral.

I cautiously moved forward, afraid if its personality is similar to that of a hippogriff, but, fortunately, my assumptions were wrong. Furthermore, people would say I am hallucinating but I think I saw the animal smile.

"It has a letter," I mumbled, beckoning Cedric to come forward. The horse whined, as though calling the animal "it" was offensive.

"Dear (Y/N)," I read aloud, "This is Uni, a pegasus and not a unicorn. It's male and he likes to be called Uni. I hope you succeed in saving who you wanted to, I really hope you do. Good luck,"

"Who sent it?" Cedric asked.

"There is no name," I said, looking at the pegasus confused.

"P.S," Cedric read over my shoulder, "He understands what you speak,"

We slowly glanced at the pegasus who smiled proudly. My eyes widened, "I really am a freak, aren't I?"

"No," Cedric hissed.

"Right, sorry," I nodded, "Well, um, Mr Pegasus - OK, stop whining - Mr Uni. So, um, can you carry the two of us to London?"

The pegasus, bent low, spreading its wings and kneeling before us, as though asking us to hop on. I nervously glanced at Cedric who was grinning at the pegasus. Feeling me stare he looked at me and smirked, "You are supposed to be the brave person, darling,"

"Oh, shut it," I mumbled, walking to the pegasus, running a hand through its rich white mane. Cedric sat after me, his arms open allowing the wind to gush past him. He was howling in delight as the pegasus soared into the night, majestically.

A Promise To Forever...(Cedric Diggory x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora