Chapter 2: Short Changed

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His Guardian

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His Guardian

Chapter 2: "Short Changed"


My phone notifies me that it's bill day and I groan. I may be just a little short on money due to the time. It's nonstop. Winter has Christmas, New Years, and high heating bills. And with winter break, more electricity is used because Jung-nam is home.

I rub my eyes as I sit up in bed, wearing nothing more than socks, briefs, and an oversized black, long-sleeved shirt that Jungkook used to own. It doesn't smell like my Jungkook anymore, but it's still comforting whenever I'm sad or in heat.

Stressed, I head to my laptop and open my bank account information in one window and the bills stuff in a split screen, debating which bill I can get away with being late on. I have internet, phone, heating, electricity, the car note...

There's no way I can pay this all. It's impossible. Our heating went out over the winter and we had to get an entire new system.

With a frown, I open the phone+cable+internet bill, only to see it's already paid, as is the car payment and insurance. I blink, confused. Had I been stressing over nothing?

"Ah, I must've already paid them and that's part of why money is so tight." I shrug and pay the remaining bills, deciding to use the credit card for groceries and pay that off as soon as payments from Ki-moon start coming in.

Speaking of Ki-moon, I should get to making his breakfast. This is a bed and breakfast, so I need to make sure there is a breakfast for him to have.

I head to the kitchen only to see Jung-nam running around like a chicken with his head cut off, smoke coming from a pan.

Calmly, I approach the fire and put a lid on it. "You better have not ruined my pan. You ruined my wok and I had to get a new one, ruining everything."

"It's newer!"

"Exactly! The wok hay isn't the same! Not even kimchi fried rice tastes the same."

He rolls his eyes and pouts. "I was just trying to cook Moonie breakfast."

"Moonie?" I quirk and eyebrow and lift the lid to the pan, the fire gone, instead leaving a charred saucer in its wake. "What even was this supposed to be?"

The alpha blushes. "Sweet potato pancakes, but vegan."

"He's vegan? He had a glass of strawberry milk the other day."

"He's usually vegetarian leaning, eating meat occasionally, but he said he's vegan when his heats are close because dairy makes his stomach upset during them and any cramps worse."

Now that I think about it, there are some times where the omega is seen eating only salads and the such. He doesn't even have the hot cocoa that Jung-nam likes to bring him.

I blink, pulling out a new pan to put the batter in. "You sure know a lot about him."

"We've been talking. Plus, he's been here for two months now. It's normal I know him." Jung-nam's scent sweetens as he talks about the boarder, his grin growing as his puppy eyes twinkle.

My eyes narrow. Jung-nam is beyond whipped for Ki-moon, acting as his shadow. It's cute, but frightening. I know Jung-nam is old enough to make his own decisions, but from my own experience, my maturity levels at eighteen and twenty-one were way different, and that was with a kid. Jung-nam is still in high school. Ki-moon is old enough to drink, even in America. Ki-moon pays his own insurance, has a job, and is looking to buy a house. They're at way different stages in life. I don't want Jung-nam falling in love and getting heartbroken.

The blond comes down in his pajamas, rubbing his eyes. Despite him being smaller than Jung-nam, he is well built and moves precisely like a dancer... or an assassin.

I shake off the thought. Why I'm so... put off by the omega, I don't know. Maybe it's because most of our boarders are older or betas. And the fact that my Jung-nam is so smitten is dangerous in its own right. With just a simple word, the young omega could completely decimate my son.

Jung-nam pours Ki-moon a mug of coffee with dairy-free creamer and brings it to him, his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. He runs his fingers through the blond's hair, flattening it and working out any tangles. His movements are precise, careful, lingering. Seeing Jung-nam care for someone like this is mind-boggling. It's not like the teen isn't a caring person. I just have never seen him with someone else. Jung-nam has always been the baby. Jung-nam has always been my baby. Yet here he is, acting domestic with someone he's known for just a few months. It's alarming, how close they are. It's similar to how Jungkook treated me.

The alpha giggles, laying on his arms and looking up at the omega once he's done.  If that boy had a tail, it would be wagging right now. His scent hangs thickly in the room, nearly overpowering the smell of pancakes.

Tiredly, the omega pets my son, looking at him with a fond expression. "Thank you, Nam-nam. You're a good pup."

The alpha purrs, red eyes big and cute rather than intimidating and dominant. I can't help but get whisked away by memories of Jungkook, my cuddly alpha.


Jungkook: 12

Jimin: 13

"We should get married and have a house with lots of dogs. When we have kids, we should name them—"

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold your horses there, cowboy. 'When we have kids?' We are kids. Talk to me about that when you're eighteen, but that doesn't mean once you turn eighteen, I'll let you put a baby in me."

He giggles. "But I wanna have a mini Jiminie. Pretty, pretty, Jiminie." The brunet looks up at me from his position. His head is comfortably lying in my lap as I run my fingers through his hair as we sit in bed, the alpha's favorite. His eyes flash red and he sits up to kiss me. "I wish I could carry the babyyyyy."

"Me too." I scowl. "It sounds painful."

"But you have a special hole just for reproduction~"

I scrunch my face up. "Yeah, one that slick comes out of like crazy once a month. A hole that I have to keep healthy and make sure I use products and eat things that won't upset my pH balance. How fun."

"Omegas are magical. Nature is magic." He puts a hand on my stomach. "We could always adopt though. It is your body."

"The only baby I'd carry is yours." I close my eyes. "Just not anytime soon. We've been together since you were born. I'm confident we're meant to be."

The alpha grins, eyes glowing red as he holds out an index finger. "Because we're no coincidence."

I press my index finger to his. "We were destined to be, because I am you—"

"—and you are me."

Author's Note: Jimin is missing JK as much as Army is missing BTS and BTS is missing Army during the pandemic.

What do you think of the story so far?

Make sure to take care and love yourself as best as you can.

With lots of love,


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