Chapter 11: Exit?

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"6483!" I screamed, dragging Minho back while Newt was pointing his pole at the griever . Watching as all the grievers started getting trapped as the doors started falling down. Just before the last one fell a griever tried to jump at me. Newt instantly pulled me back as Thomas pushed it back so it got squashed by the falling door.

Surrounding us was darkness, Newt's grip tightened on me as if he was trying to protect me if anything else happened. The circle hatch opened and we all started to climb through one by one. We were in a wide corridor with stone all around us however there were lights and a ceiling. Walking down a little bit we saw a door that had a glowing exit sign above it.

" Seriously?" Fry spoke in confusion. And it was understandable, after everything we went through and we just had a simple sign saying exit above the door.

Opening the door we went into this room full of computers and screens all showing the maze and some sort of way to keep track of all of us. " So they were watching us" Newt whispered however everyone heard it as it echoed around the room.

The glass on the floor started breaking even more as I stepped on it. Looking around I saw some people.dead adults. From first glance you couldn't see any wounds on them but by the looks of it they were shot. Even the ones in this some sort of testing chamber.

"Who did this?" I asked, looking at the people more. Not sure if I should be happy or sad that they are dead, because it means we can't get answers but we're free. Looking over to where Thomas was as he was by a massive screen and there was a glowing button. So he pushed it.

"My name is Ava Paige, I'm the director of the operating of the world catastrophe kill zone department." Well that explains who put us in here, pulling Chuck that was in front of me closer, as Newt pulled me closer to him as the blonde woman continued.

"If you are watching this, that means you've successfully completed the maze trails. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you. But circumstances seem have to prevented it.

I'm sure by now you must all be confused, angry, frightened"

Who wouldn't be? After being trapped in a maze for who knows what reason, with people watching you but not helping you in the slightest. I tightened my grip on Chuck; causing the boy to look up at me, however my gaze remained on the woman on the screen wanting to know what else she wanted to say. I want to know her reasoning for making me lose so many people I loved.

"I can only assure you that everything that's happened to you, everything we've done to you, it was all done for a reason." Suddenly the screen started changing, as if it was an aftermath of a bomb making Chuck jump making Newt wrap his arms around Chuck as well as if he was protecting both of us.

"You won't remember, but the sun has scorched our world. Billions of lives lost in fire, famine. Suffering on a global scale. The fall out unimaginable, what came after was worst." The graphic images then came to a stop, letting me realise my grip on Chuck a little. And look up and Newt who simply kissed my head muttering "I'll protect you both" Making me kiss his cheek and Chuck's head.

"We called it the Flare- a deadly virus that attacks the brain. Violent, unpredictable, horrible, incurable or so we thought. In time a new generation emerged that could survive the virus. Suddenly there was a reason to hope for a cure. But finding it would not be easy. The young would have to be sacrificed"

Well we didn't need to be, you just decided our fate because we can't do anything about it because of our ages. You've sacrificed so many of my family and possibly more we don't know about.

"- inside harsh environments where their brain activity could be studied, all in an effort to understand what makes them different. What makes you different, you may not realise it, but you're very important. Unfortunately, your trails have just begun. As you'll no doubt soon discover not everyone is with us on our methods-"

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