Glade stories: Chuck (4)

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"Hey Alby, am I going into the maze today or do you need help with the new Greenie?" I asked and I was tying my shoes up getting ready to run, if not I still needed them done up anyway.

"Can you stay here actually? I would like to make sure that the mapping room is up to date and I could use some help with the Greenie seeing as I'm still struggling to talk a little..." Alby spoke and I could tell it still hurt him trying to speak.

A few weeks ago, I went into the maze with a boy named Sam, he somehow got stung on that run, he didn't tell anyone... he ended up killing his best friend at the time Paul; they came up at the same time, although they look nothing alike. Sam's anger grew and he ended up going after Alby.

Sam was on top of Alby choking him, closing his airways, I ran over there and Alby just got unconscious to stop Sam. I put my own hands on his neck and snapped it quickly, saving Alby's life. Clint said Sam had damaged Alby's vocal cords, causing Alby to restrain from using his voice for a few weeks, causing him to write a lot of things down.

"Alright, just take it easy ok? Don't train yourself too much, Albs" I spoke softly as I walked over to Minho.

"Hey, do you mind going into the maze with Ben on your own today?, I'm going to help with the new Greenie" I spoke while looking over at what MInho was doing at the time.

"Yeah, just let me find the shank, and we'll leave" Minho spoke before rushing off back to the homestead, my eyes following him causing them to get caught on Newt; who was farming, this early in the morning?

Walking over towards him, Spinning around the boys rushing past me. Fist bumping a few of them. Tapping Newt on the shoulder caused him to jump; making me laugh a little before turning to me. Placing his hand on his heart, shaking his head letting out a few laughs as well.

"Don't do that Love" He spoke making my heart flutter a little, Ever since He became a trackhoe; for reasons I do not want to bring up, I feel different around him. I just can't show it.

"Sorry, I was just wondering why you're awake already" I softly spoke grabbing his shoulder, seeing them drop and his smile fading away I had a faint idea what this was about.

"Hey, everything's alright now, Want to help me with the Greenie later?"

"Yeah, I will Love. I need to clear my mind. That's all" He smiles, at least he's okay right now. Heaven knows what would happen if I lost him. And I don't really like meeting the new Greenies on my own... they can get a little too close; which is the reason why I'm mostly in the maze when they arrive. Of course Alby doesn't know this... for the better. Same for Gally, we wouldn't want the new Greenie dying on their first day.

Soon enough the Greenie alarm echoed around the glade. Walking towards it, Newt caught up to me along the way. Waiting by the doors to box, several other gralders. Awaiting the new Greenie the boys around us were placing silly bets to see what job the boy would have. I hope it wouldn't be a runner, that's the last thing I need. I didn't want anything bad to happen again.

The box doors opened and soon enough we see a boy..again. However he seems younger than the rest of us... at least 11, Jumping down into the box causing him to scream slightly; the boys watching from the glade start laughing so I send them off to do their jobs. Slowly reaching my hand out, to show I'm here to help him and not hurt him.

With Newt's help we got the boy out of the box, I leaned over slightly so I could look him in the eyes before saying "Hey, I'm Y/n! And welcome to the glade... this is Newt and don't worry you're safe here" I softly said pointing at Newt when I said his name and so on.

Already done with the tour and the rules, we decided to talk about the maze a little saying how we send runners in there to find a way out, so we can all leave. Chuck looks up at us in shock... whether it's from the things we said about the maze or because he doesn't know what to say.

The boys just set up the campfire, Everyone was sitting or standing drinking some of Gally's drink having fun talking about the day they had. I was currently talking to Alby when I saw Chuck; the new Greenie who remembered his name during the tour, sitting alone. Standing up excusing myself from Alby, I walked over to the small boy. Sitting down next to him gazing at the embers of the fire slowly falling onto the ground leaving a small black spot from where it burnt the ground.

"How do you feel being a part of the glade so far?" I asked turning my head to look at him

"It's alright, I don't believe I fit in though quite yet" He spoke looking up at me making me smile softly at him before standing once more taking his hand and leading him towards the wall.

Handing him a knife and a rock, I pointed towards the wall telling him... encouraging him to carve his name onto the wall, nodding he lifted the two objects up and started chizzelling his name onto the rock of the maze wall.

"Now it's official Chuck" I spoke when he was done causing him to look at me.. "You're a part of the family now... Welcome to glade" I opened my arms as a sign of welcome and he ran into them, saying thank you over and over before running back to the campfire. Making eye contact with Alby; we both smiled agreeing that everything is fine, nothing bad will happen.

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