Glade Stories: Keepers (2)

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The next boy who entered the glade was another boy, with blond-brown hair and piercing blue eyes, he became a runner with me, soon enough he remembered his name. Newt

Gally was another, Frypan was next, Minho, Zart, Winston, Clint and a few others I can't remember at the moment.

Right now we have about ten boys in the Glade apart from myself and Alby. So we decided that if we have different jobs, we need people to be in charge of that jobs, so that Alby doesn't need to be everywhere and neither do I, After all There is only two of us and when more boys come it's going to be a nightmare if they keep asking us questions about how to do their jobs.

Gally was the first one we made. He became keeper of the builders. Helping us build huts or rebuilding stuff that needed it. Having him help out is a lot of help considering Alby and I never knew enough about building for it to actually be built quickly or correctly.

Frypan, keeper of the cooks. Although he can be quite protective of his kitchen when it comes to his cooking, it's very helpful as now Alby and I can help with other people and not have to worry about feeding them or rushing with the food and it tasting terrible.

Keeper of the track-hoes/farmers was the one and only Zart, He mostly gets the ingredients to help Frypan with the kitchen so we can eat different things. Alongside the whole helping Fry in some way we have Winstone; keeper of the slicers. People who kill the animals and well get them ready to be cooked or simply to look after until they need to be killed.

This caused us to need a medjack a lot as Winston and some runners (I'll bring them up later) kept getting hurt and again if I was running I couldn't help them so when Clint came he became the medjack and helped out everyone that needed it. So it was only right that we made him a keeper.

And last but not least, the runners. It was hard to choose between Newt and Minho because they are both amazing runners. In the end it was Newt because he is the more sensible one and I actually know he would help, whereas I believe Minho would just make a sassy comment back at whoever asked a question.

Finally after talking about the keepers and telling everyone who was a keeper and everything, the builders ended up with a project of building a type of council hall for if need be all the keepers, myself and of course Alby could have a meeting about anything serious or that needs a decision made.

Snapping back into reality as I saw the flame roar after the campfire. The greenie just arrived today, so of course that meant we threw on a little campfire, them being the guest of honor. Dancing around the campfire with Alby singing our song that apparently calms everyone down (no matter where you are, book of life). Before I went to sit down next to Newt after Gally gave me some of his cocktail of whatever it is.

"Hey newt, you seem in deep thought. Are you okay?" I asked as I sat down beside him leaning against the log facing the walls of the maze. Hearing the walls moving, another reason why we haven't been able to find a way out.

"Yeah, yeah Love, I'm fine" Newt spoke up turning his gaze to me, so I did the same.

" What were you thinking about that caused you to zone out so much?" I gently said, in case it wasn't a comfortable subject for him to tell me. I wanted him to trust me. After all we are all in this together... Isn't that a song?

"Just.. how come I'm keeper of the runners?" He asked giving me a questioning glance

"Because then I know people will actually get help and answer questions, where as if it was Minho... they would end up coming to myself or Alby" I laughed a little turning to face Minho who was talking to the new Greenie. Waving when Minho pointed me out to them and sending a calm caring smile before turning back to Newt; who waited to get my attention before speaking.

"I meant... how come you didn't become keeper of the runners, you know more about the maze than any of us." His gaze trying to find a way to pierce my soul.

"I'm not just a runner though, Newt. I'm also a co leader with Alby, So sometimes I help him, also I'm writing down trying to find out more about the maze then having to put my attention on the runners themselves" I spoke, looking around at everyone here, Bringing my gaze ro Alby who seemed to be smiling, a rare site because he normal keeps a neutral look during the day.

" So what? Keeper of the maze?" Newt spoke, laughing a little.

"Yes, I guess I am." I laughed along with him. Taking another sip of my drink before noticing Gally trying to talk the Greenie to a ring fight...

"Ooh I want to see this" I say as Newt looks in that direction while getting up, before holding out a hand to me to help me up. Together we walked towards the circle being formed by everyone.

Needless to say Gally won and Ben found out his name the next morning while trying out for a trackhoe. That night I took him to the wall with Alby and we told him to write his name on the wall, so he officially became one of us. Another part of our amazing family.

The keeper of the maze (Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now