Chapter four: Night in the maze

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"Good job, you just killed yourself." Minho said, looking at Thomas, who was on the floor from pushing his way through the closing doors. Looking at the doors re-thinking about what I just did. I just told Newt I loved him. I don't regret it. I just wish I knew his response.

"What?" Thomas asked.

"No one survives a night in the maze" Minho continued.

"I did, we just have to find a safe place to go and run if we see a griever, although that might be hard with Alby." I said

"What happened to him?" Thomas asked.

"What does it look like? He got stung." Minho answered.

"And his head?"

"He told me to do it, come on we got to move away from the doors, somewhere safer" I said standing.

Grabbing Alby's left side, Thomas his right and Minho at his feet. We started carrying him to a safe place for the rest of the night. Falling after placing Alby against a wall trying to catch our breath from the distance we walked. Standing quickly checking we were safe, while Thomas was looking at the vines covering the wall, clearly thinking of something.

Grabbing a vine pulling on it before looking at Minho and myself. Getting the idea Minho and I started wrapping the vines around Alby making sure they were secure before we started to pull him up the wall. My mind was wandering to the time of my first in the maze, while trying to make sure there were enough vines on Alby.

"What happened the last time you were in the maze at night?" Thomas spoke, seeing my distance expression.

"You can't just ask that-" MInho started before I interrupted him.

"It's alright Min"

"There was a boy called Luke. He came running in the maze with me." I started before taking a deep breath as I pictured everything that happened. "One day he decided to see if the vines would reach the top, then when he found out they didn't. He proceeded to climb up the cracks in the wall, he fell breaking his knee cap"

Taking another deep breath a started to actually pull Alby up the wall I continued.

"I had to drag him towards the doors, however they closed before we could get out"

"Then what?" Thomas asked. Everyone knew I was the first to see a griever. Only Newt, Alby, Gally and Minho know the full story... and for a good reason. It isn't pretty.

"I started to find a place for us to sit... before we saw one.. A griever... It was far away however you could still see the size of it. It was terrifying to say the least." I breathed out, mostly from pulling Alby up the vines.

"It came closer towards us, you could hear the thumping of its mechanical legs against the hard ground, Luke told me to run... pushing me so I could escape. I got further away from the two of them, however I turned back to see the creature's leg go straight through his skull"

"Is that why you and Alby didn't want any non runners or anyone in the maze at night?" Thomas asked.

"That and the fact someone who was not a runner came in the maze" I said again pulling Alby higher.

"What happened to him?" Thomas asked again starting with the questions.

"The same thing that happened to Ben. He got stung, ended up snapping his best friend's neck and tried to kill Alby" I finished saying it in a tone as if saying end of discussion. Not really wanted to mention the part where I had to snap Sam's neck...

The keeper of the maze (Newt x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz