Chapter nine: You're insane

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Later in the day, around noon Teresa woke up and pulled Thomas onto her lap. The boy was starting to move and shake a lot in his sleep, my guess is that it was a really bad memory. Newt, Minho, Frypan and Chuck all came to the pit to visit. Chuck put his hand through the wooden bars and held my hand as Newt sat at an angle of him so if Gally was to see, the boy would only see Chuck there and holding my hand. Gally is already pissed off for these boys being over here.

"What are they building over there?" I asked, rubbing my thumb over the back of Chuck's hand.

"Putting some sort of poles in the ground in front of the maze" Newt softly spoke, now reaching over Chuck's shoulder to grab my free hand.

"Sounds like he's gonna burn us at the stakes" I joke. A small laugh left Chuck making the rest of us smile for a few seconds. Before the youngest started to look back at the ground.

"Hey, everything is gonna be alright sweetheart, nothing is gonna happen. Newt won't let it" I spoke softly, whispering towards the end so Newt wouldn't hear but it still made Chuck laugh.

"Something is wrong with Gally, It's weird him putting you in the pit" Minho spoke up. Thinking about it now, Gally has never even thought about putting me into the pit before or even tried killing me.

"Maybe he had always wanted too but couldn't because of Alby?" Teresa questioned making me think for a few seconds.

"No he wasn't always this stubborn or angry, especially compared to when he first came here" I softly spoke, squeezing Newt's hand slightly causing him to do the same thing back. Thomas soon let out a groan a few seconds later and moved his head a little bit in Teresa's lap. "Hey, you okay?" She asked the second he opened his eyes.

He looked up at her, staring right into her eyes as if he was remembering more of his past than he did previously. "What the hell were you thinking?" Chuck spoke in an almost companding tone, it didn't suit him one bit. Thomas ignored that question and instead spoke "what happened?"

"Gally has taken control. Said we had a choice, join him or get banished at sundown with you" Newt spoke up, looking up from our hands to make eye contact with Thomas.

"You never said I was getting banished" I looked up at him.

"You're not, those two are. Gally spared you" Newt told me, looking at me with a loving gaze.

"So he's sparing me?" I asked, causing the boys outside the cage to nod... groaning Thomas tried standing up the best he could in this small type of room.

"And the others just agreed to that?" "Gally has everyone convinced that you're the reason all this has happened" Teresa started. "They also believe Alby would want this as well. Which made me argue with him and that got me thrown in here" I spoke, slowly sitting up from where I was leaning against the wall, trying not to move my side as much as well.

Newt grabbed my shoulder to try and help me move myself so I wouldn't hurt myself as much. Thomas once again spoke up "Well he's been right so far"

"What are you talking about?" Minho voiced for all of us.

"This place, it's not what we thought it was. It's not a prison, it's a test. It all started when we were kids, they'd give us these challenges. They were experimenting on us and then people started disappearing, every month one after the other like clock work."

Newt interrupted quickly saying "sending them into the maze" "yeah but not all of us" Thomas spoke looking at the british boy. "What do you mean?" I quietly asked, no showing my concern in my tone however when Thomas looked into my eyes I know he saw it. Has everyone we've lost meant nothing to those watching over us?

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