Galde Stories: Alby (1)

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Blinking flickering lights filled my vision as I awoke in a weird chicken wired metal cage. Although I soon discovered that the lights weren't flickering, they were in a sense because I went past a new light bulb as I was going up somewhere very fast. I never saw

what was exactly around me as I couldn't seem to find a way to focus.

It felt as if the walls were closing in around me...

Stopping me from thinking of my past...

That's the problem now that I think about it...

I can't remember a thing about my past...

Apart from my name... strange.

The blue lights suddenly turned red as the cage suddenly stopped, I dared looking down only to see a deathly drop; causing me to pray that I wouldn't fall through the cage. The red lights soon turned green, letting the sunlight blur my vision. After adjusting to it, a boy; around my age with dark skin and a really short haircut, stepped in front of the sun's gleam and held his hand out towards me. Taking it and getting out of the chicken wire death trap just waiting to strike.

The boy looked at me before I spoke. "Who are you?"

"Alby... and you?" he questioned, looking a little confused

" Y/n" I softly said because turning around and looking at everything around me; four walls were blocking off this field, one of the walls having a gap that appeared to be a way out, however I didn't dare risk anything at the moment.

"How long have you been here?" I asked, it looked as if no one else was here. Had he been on his own?

" A month, I thought I was alone until you showed up" Alby spoke up, looking at me again.

" Do they think we're gonna be like Adam and Eve?" I asked, causing Alby to let out a loud laugh leading me to joining in.

Walking around the field; in which Alby ended up calling the 'Glade' for reasons he can't seem to remember. I was asking a few questions, some were easy for him to answer, some not so much. Apparently, when he came he only remembered his name as well, he doesn't know what's outside the doors he hasn't been brave enough he said because they close when the sun begins to set.


It's been around a week now since I came here, Alby and I started building a shelter for the next person who comes up the box just in case. As well as building a place for us to make our own food and grow them.

I woke up before Alby...again, looking over at the doors to find them opening again. I decided to do something stupid and irrational. I went through them... Walking around Taking many twists and turns, soon realizing it was a maze?. I went back towards the glade going to tell Alby what I found out. He was pacing outside the doors, before he heard my footsteps when he immediately turned in my direction and walked towards me.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?, I THOUGHT YOU GOT KILLED!" he shouted, pulling me into a hug. Alby and I created a sibling bond by the time it hit my 3rd day here.

"Albs" I started as I pulled away from him sitting down on the grass a few feet away from the entrance to the maze "It's a maze, that door is an entrance to a maze"

"A maze? Why the shank is it a maze?" He asked me, making me shrug my shoulders at his question, noticing how he didn't mention the nickname I gave him.

" One thing I know is that. You need to keep running while in there so you can explore more and so you can get out before the doors close" I spoke while running my hand through my hair taking it out of the ponytail I had it in. It's true though. I started going through the maze at 5am and right now it's noon and I barely got anywhere.

"So what you're thinking of going back in there? What about the grievers?" Alby spoke grabbing my arm causing me to look into his eyes, a way for him to check if I was serious or not... I was.

"Alby, that's how we are going to find a way out... I'm not asking you to join me, however simply let me go and if anyone new shows up and wants to join me there, they can." I softly spoke to him, grabbing the hand on my arm and holding it instead.

Nodding he let my arm go, We started to walk towards the mini kitchen area we made and started to cook so we could actually eat something... because I skipped breakfast and apparently so did himself because he was so worried about me.

Over the next two weeks I've been in and out of the maze drawing the pattern on a piece of paper every time (something the creators gave us with supplies). When the new boy came up, he couldn't remember his name so we ended up calling him Greenie for the time being until he remembered it. His name was Luke

Luke decided he would run the maze with me...

The only thing is. A few weeks into running he decided to try and climb the vines, only to find they didn't reach the top, so he ended up holding onto the cracks in the walls, only for himself to fall and break his knee cap and couldn't walk... I tried to get us back to the glade before the doors closed... we were too late... and trapped in the maze

That's when Alby and I created the rule 'Never spend a night in the maze' for the future runners we may have... We lost Luke because of it... And somehow I survived... and now I have to live with seeing his face everytime I close my eyes to sleep, not that I really could anyway.

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