Glade stories: The wall (3)

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Noticing how we had so many gladers now inside the glade, we needed a way to note down all of them. To make them officially part of the family. Alby and I know most of them, however it's also a way to show how much we care for one another.

Finding a wall of the maze that had vines growing next to see but seeing that the rock was weaker than the rest. Gazing at it for a little while before, walking over to Frypan grabbing my breakfast and sitting next to Alby. Lifting my spoon up I spoke.

"I found an area where the wall is weaker, Maybe we could use it for something! Like an area to make a map of the maze?" I looked at Alby, yet making sure to not myself too loud incase I woke the rest of the boys. Looking at me trying to think of an idea, Alby smiled a little at the fact I'm letting the boys stay asleep. In other words I'm making sure they are well rested like a mother would for her children.

"I think we should check it out first, however maybe we shouldn't put the map where anyone can see it. Just in case it takes a while to find a way out." He spoke the same volume as me. Thinking over what he said. He's right if the maze takes a while to plan, which it most likely will, considering the fact it changes every night, we don't want to think that there isn't a way out at all.

After eating Alby and I got up and started to walk towards the dark shaded area of the wall I found near the gates. Placing a hand on it looking up judging how high it is. Looking closely I couldn't see how we would be able to fit the whole maze on it. Turning around leaning my back against it looking at the glade and all the boys in it. Grabbing my knife I looked at Alby before carving my name onto the wall...

"What are you doing?" Alby said looking at me, mostly with his neutral expression however in his eyes you could see the pure confusion in them.

"Carving my name, This should be how the Greenies properly become a glader... also that way we know who everyone is." I spoke while putting the finishing touches on my name before handing the knife to Alby; who simply shook his head before starting to write his own name.

Waving over the keepers, handing them the knife telling them to write their names on the wall wherever they wanted and was space. Giving off confused looks at one another and sending judging looks at myself; not knowing if they should do it or not.

Newt stepped forward grabbing the knife off Clint and started carving his own name next to mine, before turning to me nodding and handing it back to Clint who then wrote his name a little below mine. Frypan not so long; after shaking his head at the thought of doing something like this. Winston followed quickly after Frypan, before passing the knife to Gally; who walked slowly walked up towards the wall and started to write his name next to mine, the other side from Newts. Nodding to the boys after telling them to go to their jobs making sure one group at a time went up to write their name on the wall.

"How did you even come up with this idea?" Newt asked walking beside me, as we started to make sure everyone was okay and not in any need of anything.

"We needed something to make us a part of a family... It's our family tree in a sense.. In a very different layout." I say laughing along with Newt who joined in a few seconds after me. Causing us to get a few looks from the gladers near us.

Smiling after calming down from my laughter bubble, shaking my head softly, my smile growing the more I thought of all of us becoming one family. Saying a final goodbye to Newt before walking in the direction I knew Alby was. Not noticing the loving look Newt gave me as I walked off.

Smiling gently as the boys walked or ran past me, saying a quick hello and be careful before continuing my way to the amazing leader. Alby looked in deep thought when I found him, so I waited a while until he noticed me.

"What do you need?" Alby spoke, not even glancing in my general direction. Making me known to his somewhat 6th sense he somehow had.

"I just wanted to check on you, something's wrong.. You're not yourself today" I softly said walking towards him taking my time before sitting next to him looking at the maze wall where the builders were currently craving their names into the soft rock.

"I-It's just, do you really think we can find a way out of here? A way to be free from all of this?" He expanded his arms as if he was showing off the whole glade during the last question.

Sighing I responded "Albs we haven't been here for that long and the maze changes every night remember?. It's not something we can find during one day and get everyone out at the same time." Looking at Alby, making eye contact, telling him with my eyes that there is a way out and we will find it... we just need time.

Nodding he turned his head towards me, sighing softly before looking back at where Minho and Ben just returned and were looking for me. "You better go back to work Y/n/n" He said gently.

Simply patting him on the shoulder as I got up before jogging over to Minho and Ben to see what they found in the maze. Along the way I saw them give each other questioning as to why everyone was surrounding the wall where people were putting their names.

"Don't worry no ones hurt we are just writing our names on the wall; which you two can do after you tell me everything about today" I spoke, not raising my voice but using a tone that shows that they should listen to me and do as I say.

After quickly spilling everything they did and found in the maze. Before running off towards the wall hoping to write their names on there. Playfully pushing one another as they went making me laugh slightly as it happened.

The keeper of the maze (Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now