Chapter Twenty Six

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I jump up and look around the room. That was a dream. Chase never asked me to be his girlfriend.

I make direct eye contact with my Father who looks confused.

"Get dressed honey we're going to go visit your mom".

"okay". I say softly, getting out my bed.

I get out of the bed, going over to my suitcase, picking out an outfit. 

Once I take a shower and throw my clothes on I brush out my hair, putting it into a ponytail with a hat on. 

"You Ready Isabella"?! I hear my fathers voice from downstairs. 

"Coming dad"! I yell and I get no response back. 

I spray a little perfume, grab my phone and head downstairs. 

"Hey Bella". Chase says as I walk in the kitchen. 


"You alright"? 

"Oh, uh yeah". 

The reality was, I wasn't alright. I just had a dream that Chase asked me to be his girlfriend. 

We all get in the car and head to hospital. Chase, my father, and Uncle Shawn are talking while I look out the window.

"You've been real quiet sweetheart are you alright"? 

"Yeah, I'm fine". I say as my dad then pulls into the parking lot of the hospital. 

We all get out the car, heading to the main entrance, and Chase stays by my side the whole time. 

"Did you want me to come in there with you"? Chase asks. 

"Yeah. If you want". I say softly, as he smiles, grabbing my hand as we walk in. 

Once we get our visitors passes we head up to my mom's room. 415. 

I walk in first as the aroma of the hospital room comes between my nostrils.

I see my mom laying in her bed, asleep just like an angel. 

"mom"? I say, she looks up slowly. 

"Hi honey". she smiles weakly. 

I let go of Chase's hand and walk over to her, sitting down in the chair. 

I take a hold of her hand and slowly caress it. 

"Mom are you ok". I ask, tearing up as she does the same.

"Yes honey. I'll be fine. Just a small heart attack. Nothing else". she reassures me and I give her a slight smile. 

Someone knocks on the door turning everyone's attention towards it. 

A man walks in, assuming it's the doctor, then walks in holding a clip board. 

"Good morning everyone". the doctor says, looking at of us as each one of us mumbles a low 'Good Morning' and waves their hand.

"So, I have some good news and bad new". The doctor begins to say, I exchange looks with my mom and Chase. 

"So, the good news is there is nothing wrong with your heart, but we ran more tests and we have found out that you have breast cancer". The doctor says quietly. 

My mom looks as if she's about to cry. 

"Honey do you want us to give you a moment"? My dad asks and my mom nods. 

"Wait-, Izzy, can you and Chase stay"? 

I look to Chase and he shrugs. 

"Chase then takes a seat next to me as the doctor, my dad, and Uncle Shawn walk out. 

"Honey, you know I love you right"? 

"Yes mom". I smile. 

She grabs my hand and kisses it softly. 

"I will always love you no matter what. Even if I'm gone just know I'll always be there, just looking up from above". 

"Mom stop, your going to be fine". I say as a tear rolls down my cheek. 

"Yeah of course honey. I'm just letting you know. Chase, take good care of my baby girl alright". my mom says, locking eyes with Chase. 

He nods, smiling. 

"Yes Mrs. Blaire". 

"Honey. Call me mom". my mom tells Chase, as his face slightly lifts up. 

"I'll let you two go have fun, but just remember honey. I will always love you". 

"I love you too mom".

Before We MetHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin