Delivering to a familar face

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I cautiously walk up the gravel drive way, tiny pieces of loose gravel crunch underneath me.

The house I'm walking up to Is stunning.

House doesn't even do it justice.

Mansion was better.

Probably something I would never be able to afford in my life time.

The brown bag has some weight to it.

Mr gold didn't tell me what was in the package, only to make sure that it got to the location.

Most of the morning and afternoon I had spent with mr gold, being told what I was expected to do.

From what it sounded like I was to be his errand rat, simple enough.

Which was good because I had been given my first task when Mr gold handed me the brown bag and ordered me to deliver it to the occupant of this house.

I cautiously walk up the step, wondering exactly what I've gotten myself into.

Gathering my nerve, I press the doorbell.

There is a ring and then nothing.

I wait.

Trying to pass the time by scouting the house.

It could do with a fresh coat of paint and serious landscaping.

The lawn was unkept and the dried and crinkly bushes were hazardously placed.

The door slowly squeaks open and a pair of familiar blue eyes stare back at me.

It's him!

Jefferson A.K.A the man I ran over.

We both just stare at each other.

"You." I breath out.

Jefferson straightens up.

Aside from the small cuts here and there one could not think he had been hit by a car less than a week ago.

"How did you find me?" There wasn't any accusations in his tone one would usually expect when asked that question, but mere curiosity.

Their is something else in his eyes, something I can't quite place, dare I say it was amusement.

I hold the brown paper bag out to Jefferson.

"Mr Gold asked me to deliver this to you."

Jefferson stiffens.

He accepts the bag, and looks inside.

"Tell him that's perfect and I have already sent him his payment."

I turn to leave.


I halt.

Turning towards a hopeful Jefferson.

"Would you like to come inside, I was just about to have some tea and it would be a shame to let it go to waist."

I am tempted but I needed to return to Mir gold and inform him of my success.

"I don't..."

"Please" he cuts me off.

I can't help but be taken aback.

There was Faint begging in his tone.

"It would be nice to get to know you better plus I never properly got to thank you for helping me the other night." He adds on.

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