New student

647 18 4


"Okay, from the top, Remember if you don't get all the moves it's okay, just asking as you keep fluidity."

The familiar tunes of pink fill the dance studio.

Makes a wrong turn

I Step onto my right foot and swing the left foot behind the right in a full turn.

Once or twice

I Raise my right arm, then my left arm, forming a V.

I watch my students in the mirrors, taking mental notes on people's weaknesses.

Dug my way out

I Step onto the left foot and swing the right foot behind the left in a full turn.

Blood and fire

I Raise my left arm, then the right arm, forming a V.

Bad decisions

I Place my right foot behind me, bending at my waist to move my torso behind my legs.

That's alright

I Swing to the left side, leaning back

Welcome to my silly life

I Extend my arms in front of me, welcoming the "audience", then swing my hips on 'silly life'.

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood

I Jump from both feet to the right, landing on my right foot and kicking the left foot out to the side, bringing the left foot down next to the right one, then stomping the right foot, then the left one.

Miss, no way it's all good

I Jump from both feet to the right, landing on the right foot and kicking out the left to the side, then step my left foot behind the right one, turning, then complete the turn by stepping through it onto the right foot.

It didn't slow me down

I Swing my hips and shake my head.


I Jump from both feet to the left, kicking my right foot to the right side.

Always second-guessing

I Step my right foot behind the left one, turning, then complete the turn by stepping through it onto the left foot.


I Jump from both feet to the left, kicking the right foot out to the side.

Look, I'm still around...

I Run in place.

Pretty, pretty please

I do two chaîné turns to the right.

Don't you ever, ever feel

I hop onto the right foot, bending the right knee and pointing my left toes at my right knee, then do a grand développé to the left.

Like you're less than

I do a balancé to the left.

Less than perfect

I Step onto the right foot and whip my left foot around for a single rotation turn.

Pretty, pretty please

I do two chaîné turns to the right.

If you ever, ever feel

I Hop onto the right foot, bending the right knee and pointing my left toes at my right knee, then do a grand développé to the left.

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