Saving the human

900 24 3

Enchanted forest

Arista/Hallie Pov

Honestly I should of seen this coming Ariel was always the one who would do something like this.

It had been just any other night, Ariel had invited me to join her for an evening swim and I've never been one to pass up on that.

I don't always get it see Ariel, father has Aquata and I patrolling the west of Atlantica.

So it was nice.

However that peaceful silence would be shattered  by a bright flash and a piece of burning wood thrown into the sea.

Ariel and I share looks before we swim toward the surface to uncover what was transpiring.

What lays before us is complete anarchy and panic.

A burning ship lights the night sky, humans are jumping overboard, swimming to the boats trying to escaping the fiery blaze.

"Ariel we should leave."

I turn to my sister only to discover ocean, Ariel nowhere in sight.

"Ariel? Ariel!"

My reckless sister is swimming right towards the burning ship all I can do is watch in horror as she dodges falling beams.

"Ariel! Please come back!"

I go onto swim after her but before I can move The ship breaks apart and one of the men is blasted off and swallowed by the voracious sea.

I dive down to avoid being caught in the crossfire and then to my shock.

Ariel is swimming towards the drowning human.

What is she doing?

She answer's my question by grabbing the man by his shirt and swims him towards the Sandy shore.

Oh this is bad.

Thank Poseidon that none of the other sailors have noticed Ariel pulling one of their own to shore.

Ariel lays The man safely on the sand While I look on from the water contemplating our punishment from father for even being in the vicinity of humans.

Despite him being safe on shore Ariel continues to stay with the strange man, occasionally stroking his face and his hair.

He's safe, why won't she just leave already.

I should just leave but I would never forgive myself if anything were to happen to Ariel and I couldn't help her, so I stayed through the night, observing my sister and the unconscious man.

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