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A/N: Exams started and I'm sorry for neglecting you all! Here's a cute sweet one shot by augustmood ❤️


Baby, we've ran out of Kimchi" Roseanne uttered in a very preoccupied tone of voice, her brows adorably frowning with concern.

"Okay well, we'll restock it tomorrow." Lisa said as she tucked herself into bed, leaning down slightly in order to press a quick kiss to Chaeyoung's forehead. ''Brrr. God it's so chilly in here." She sniffed. "Turn around I'll spoon you so we can warm up a little."

Lisa made a mental note to get their general heater checked that very same week.
And with that, she cuddled up behind her, letting out a satisfied hum as she crossed her arm around Chaeyoung's middle.

It was quiet for a minute.

"But Lisa." Roseanne insisted, turning around again. "I need the Kimchi. I simply can't go to sleep if I don't have any."

Lisa's eyes widened as she lifted an eyebrow in confusion. "Aren't you like...exaggerating just a little bit?"

"You don't understand how these cravings work, they are the worst really, like they're so intense I cannot think of anything else." The blonde tried to explain the seriousness of the matter.

"Are you really asking me to go out now to get it?" The lack of response from Roseanne was pretty self-explanatory.

"Rosie, it's almost midnight." She pouted.

Chaeyoung simply pouted back. And she was perfectly aware of the effect that face had on her wife.

Lisa straightened her posture in bed, casting a frustrated glance down at the blonde who was looking back at her with puppy eyes.

"Please, please, please, please, please." The same refrain kept repeating for what it looked like an eternity to Lisa.

"Alright, alright." She just gave in. As always.

"Really?" Roseanne inquired in a tone that really conveyed happiness.

Lisa cocked her head to the side, playfully rolling her eyes. "Do I have a choice?"

Chaeyoung pulled her own lip between her teeth, throwing her an apologetic look as she muttered you're my hero .


Lisa quickly put on a thick sweater, sweatpants, some trainers and a big fluffy coat. She tried hard not to think of the cold harsh weather that meant Seoul in almost December, waiting for her outside.

She got out of the room, just after she took the keys which were at the top of their bedroom's dresser (which certainly was Roseanne's doing.)

Chaeyoung could perfectly recall Lisa telling her off over and over again: Rosie, is it so difficult to leave the keys on the entrance's key holder?; However, she never sounded annoyed, or mad. Instead she sounded tender, and patient, just every single time. In this occasion, though, she didn't say anything.

"Lisa! Wait!"

"What, now?" She turned back on her heels, leaning her head out the door to check on her.

A childish-like grin overtook Roseanne's face. "Give me a kiss"

Lisa rolled her eyes playfully, again, feigning exasperation. She crawled back into the bed swiftly, pressing a kiss to her lips, both women lingering a little into it. Then she couldn't resist placing a sweet kiss on Roseanne's belly just before leaving.

"I love you!". Chaeyoung shouted after Lisa exited the room.

"You'd better!" Lisa yelled back cheekily as she opened the entrance door.


"Fuck. It really was bloody cold huh, I can't feel my feet." She turned around to hang her coat on the hanger placed in the hall. "Think it might snow soon, you'll surely be thrilled."

Lisa knew just how much Roseanne adored the snow.

But there was no reply.


Still, no reply.

"Rosie? Seriously?" She gasped as she entered the room.

Rosie was already snoring like a freight train, her mouth slightly open, curled in on herself in search of some warmth.

Lisa found it entirely too tender for waking her up.

Chaeyoung was six and a half months pregnant and was having a lot of trouble getting to sleep with her already protruding baby bump. In general, she felt lazier and more exhausted than the usual. So she could definitely use the rest.

Lisa placed the Kimchi jar carefully on Chaeyoung's nightstand, sighing heavily, although she couldn't help a smile pulling at the corner of her lips at the sight.

She changed back onto her sleeping t-shirt just to crawl into their bed to cuddle her up again. She left a sweet peck on her hair, closing her eyes as she took in Roseanne's strawberry shampoo, falling asleep while tenderly caressing her belly.

Cravings, whims, hormones, silly arguments, poor sleeping schedules. All of it was worth it because at the end of the day, they still had each other.

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