{small things}

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A/N: so, I am dumb and I forgot to mark the previous one shot as already posted and one of you kindly told me so here I bring a brand new and not previously posted one shot by the amazing novel_concept26 and thank you to everyone who's so kind and loving to me even though I make stupid mistakes! HAPPY CHEALISA DAY 💕🥳


The best part of a new relationship, Lisa reflects, is in all the little details. The strange quirks of a person you might never see until you begin dating them, until the hours spent in their company twist from nine to five to all bets are off. Getting to know someone's body is grand; getting to know them, the heart of them, the truth of their day-to-day, is better.

She maybe hadn't realized that, until Roseanne--but Rosie is teaching her with every passing day just how much is waiting beneath the surface. There is, it seems, an endless supply of bizarre details to file away, each wreathing Chaeyoung in more charm than the last.

Chaeyoung, she's learned, doesn't like to drive--she's tried exactly once, and spent the entire thirty-minute stretch drawn tight as a bowstring--but loves rolling down her window and letting a hand dangle in the breeze. She is great with a map, almost pathological at remembering radio stations, but frequently gets distracted by conversation and forgets to point out a necessary exit ramp.

She is untrustworthy when left on snack duty in gas stations, constantly inclined to pick up a coffee or a bottled orange juice over water, but always seems to find the best chocolate in any given state.

Food, in general, proves particularly interesting. Roseanne thrills at the opportunity to introduce her to terrible fast food ("We have this," Lisa says pointedly, as they pull into their first McDonald's; "Not even close," Chaeyoung says gleefully, and proceeds to order her a Happy Meal for the sheer joy of it). She is perhaps too invested in what sort of pizza Lisa considers the right kind ("Dunno," Lisa says in a helpless tone. "The kind with, uh, sauce?"). There is, it appears, a right and wrong answer to crust width, cheese ratio, and toppings; the first time she orders pineapple, Lisa almost can't bring herself to take a bite, she's laughing too hard at the intense expression on Roseanne's face.

("You are," she proclaims, "ridiculous."
"It's good," Chaeyoung insists, and there is no sign of a beast about her smile as she watches Lisa try the pinapple-and-bacon monstrosity and, grudgingly, admit defeat.)

She learns that Roseanne prefers movies at home to the theater, but makes an exception whenever a new action film comes out. Chaeyoung likes dancing, but doesn't love strangers being able to see her do it; she's self-conscious about her questionable rhythm, at least until Lisa leans close and murmurs that rhythm hasn't been a problem yet, from where she's standing.

Chaeyoung likes old bookstores, new flea markets, ice cream parlors run by elderly couples who compliment her earrings.

Chaeyoung is effervescent by daylight, chatting with strangers, eagerly returning stray footballs that land near her in the park to laughing children. She turns thoughtful when the rain rolls in, always at her moodiest when the sky grows pregnant with clouds that refuse to break open.

She's fascinating, and she's complicated, and the good days hold just as many facets as the bad. Lisa is growing to love them all--the way Roseanne shrieks with laughter when tickled, and the way she grows somber at particular songs for no reason Lisa can understand. She loves the way Chaeyoung slips a hand beneath the hem of her shirt and holds on for dear life on long drives, her fingers skimming the edge of Lisa's jeans. Loves how Roseanne can't shower with the door closed, can't sleep with it open, can never figure out the window latch in any given hotel room.

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