Scars - Kyalin

443 11 21

Lin: 9
Kya: 15
Tenzin: 9 1/2
Bumi: 17
This is NOT a romantic one, more like sister bond
Lin just got her scars, she hasn't told anyone how she really got them
They have bending
TW: abuse

Kya looked everywhere for Lin after Tenzin had run to her crying, telling her that his friend had run out of her class and he didn't see her since then. The brunette had told her brother to get back to class as she missed her own, looking for Lin. She had always considered the girl like her little sister, she was worried about her. It wasn't like Lin to just run away, and disappear for so long.

Kya had no idea where she might have gone, it looked like she had looked everywhere, but there was still no sign of her. She walked into the bathroom, exhausted, and pinched the bridge of her nose while her other hand untied her ponytail. She didn't have the strength to go back to class, not while she was so worried about Lin.

"Where are you, Linny?" she whispered to herself, leaning on the sink and staring at her tired face in the mirror. She looked bad, like she hadn't slept in days. Of course, it only reflected reality since she hadn't. She had been too busy wondering about herself, what she really wanted, which was definitely not having to train on fighting 24/7 with her mother, she despised violence. She just wanted to be a healer, to help people, to save them, not to hurt them. But Katara wouldn't understand that, she was convinced that her daughter needed to know how to fight if she wanted to succeed in life.

But right now, all Kya wanted was to find Lin, and make sure the little girl was okay. She sighed and stood up, ready to leave, when she heard a weak muffled sob, coming from behind one of the cabins. She couldn't see the person who was there from where she was, but she walked closer and tears filled her own eyes when she realized it was Lin sitting in the corner of the bathroom, curled up on herself while crying.

"Linny?" she asked softly, kneeling next to the little girl to take her in a tight hug. The child didn't react and even turned away, crying louder. "Lin, what's happening? I was worried about you," she said as gently as she could, pulling away from the hug to lay her hand on the girl's shoulder. Lin finally turned towards her, and she let Kya take her in a hug. The Waterbender wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders while stroking her back softly.

"Linny, what's going on?" she asked again softly, after a moment of comforting the girl in her arms. The little Earthbender melted in her embrace and curled up in her arms, making Kya sigh. She knew she might be the only one to have ever seen Lin so vulnerable, she always tried to look so tough, just like her mother. "The other girls, they—" the small girl said, burying her face in her elder's chest. Kya winced and stroked her hair softly, waiting for her to continue.

Lin looked up to see the Waterbender smiling confidently, and she was inspired by that girl she saw as a big sister. "They say I'm— I'm ugly because of the scars," she said, wiping her tears away. Kya straightened, astonished. She couldn't believe it, how would anyone be so cruel to a nine years old girl? "Who said that?" she asked, threatening. She would never let anyone insult the girl and get away unharmed. She took a deep breath, realizing that Lin needed to be comforted, and not by force and violence.

"All of them," the girl sobbed into Kya's tunic. The older girl bit her lip and stroked her back softly. "Linny, you can't listen to them. They're stupid, alright? You are beautiful, and you will always be, no matter what they say," she said softly. She pressed a protective kiss on top of Lin's head and stroked the fresh scars on her cheek. Even she didn't know the truth about how she got them, every time she tried to make the young Earthbender say it, she refused.

Lin nodded at her wise words, and smiled weakly. Kya pulled away and looked at her. "Do you want to tell me the truth?" she asked softly. Lin looked sad, and shook her head. "He said I couldn't," she answered sadly. The Waterbender stroked the scars, worried. "Who, Linny? who told you that?" she asked gently, scared to scare the girl off. Lin asked for another hug, curling up in Kya's arms. It was so hard for the healer to realize how much this nine years old little girl was suffering. "Dad," the little Earthbender said as her voice broke. Kya pulled away without even realizing it as the dots connected and she understood.

Kyalin / Rangshi OSWhere stories live. Discover now