Entering the Kyoshi State - angry Lin

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If I say Tenzin, Lin, break up, island and Kyoshi, y'all get what I'm abt to write down here? Yup? Cool
Just gonna do things a bit messier (like a lot messier)

(This is gonna be short but who cares)

"Can't you understand that it's all your fault!" Tenzin shouted, getting really mad now. Lin wiped her tears away. How dared he? She was willing to sacrifice everything for him, and he blamed her for what had happened? He blamed her for losing a baby she didn't even want in the first place? He blamed her for cheating, because he'd surprised her sleeping on top of Kya (while absolutely nothing had happened), after she'd cried all night because she had fought an umpteenth time with him, after  he had cheated on her with a fifteen years younger woman in the first place? And he still dared to say it was her fault?

She had forgotten about her sadness already, all there was left was rage and hate, towards that man who was never able to treat her right, nor to love her the way that she loved him. He was the first person she dared to let in, and she regretted it. So much. She tried to breath deeply, just like Aang had taught her, to try and control her anger. She didn't want to make a huge mistake. The earth below her was already cracking, she was losing control.

"My fault!?" she shouted, pointing an accusating finger at him. "Oh, so you're going to say it's my fault if you cheated on me with that kid!? If you hadn't been too busy fucking her, maybe you could've been there for me and we wouldn't be in that position! But you know what, it's best that way. Fuck you, and fuck that kid you're so desperately trying to have! Maybe if you weren't such an asshole, it would work better! Try that with the next whore you're going to cheat with!" she shouted, not even trying to control herself anymore. She had gotten to a point of non comeback, she just wanted Tenzin to stay away from her forever.

The Earth cracked under Tenzin's feet, and he took a step back as his eyes widened, watching how his ex girlfriend managed to pull the portion of the Earth where the temple was away from the rest of the continent, without even making a single gesture. He watched, powerless, how in a few seconds, he was in the middle of the bay, and could barely see Lin from the distance. If he'd known she was that powerful, he would've never messed with her.

Lin's blood was boiling in her veins, and she didn't even realize what she was doing until she realized the Air Temple was now two hundred meters away from the rest of the land. Her shoulders fell back, her eyes closed and she dropped on her knees, only then realizing what she had done.

Not that she regretted it, at least Tenzin's home was even more away from hers now. She just hoped no one else was on that new formed island.

That was so much fun to write, I know it's short, might write what comes after that later
ANYWAY this theory is like the best ever and yet I haven't seen a single one shot talking abt it 💔 I had to make one

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