I do - Kyalin

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Haven't been to a wedding in like three years so I have literally no idea of how it is anymore ✌️ (oh and I spent the last one watching the soccer World Cup and Frozen so...)

Lin took a deep breath, trying to relax. She was pretty sure nothing would help at this exact moment, except maybe feeling Kya in her arms, and kissing her softly. "You look beautiful," Su said, wiping a tear away. Lin chuckled nervously and looked at herself in the mirror, admiring the piece of art that was her suit. "You really do," Opal added, laying her hand on her aunt's elbow. "I'd like to say you do, but I really have no idea," Toph said. Her daughters and granddaughter laughed together.

Lin swallowed with difficulty, and closed her eyes. A slight smile appeared on her lips as she thought about the different moments she'd spent with her wife-to-be, retracing their path together. It hadn't always been easy, but surprisingly, they were there, together. They were about to get married.

"You two are really made for each other," Opal said with a big smile. Lin chuckled again, and bit her lip nervously. She shouldn't have doubted so much, or be so terrified. She was so scared that Kya would walk away, or say no, or just that anything would be wrong. She still couldn't quite believe that she was actually happy, with the woman she loved and had loved for almost her whole life. She couldn't have been happier. "So, are you having kids now?" Toph asked, true to her tactless self. Lin choked, and Su laughed as she slapped her sister's back gently. "No! Of course not, mom!" the elder protested. Toph laughed and punched her daughter in the shoulder. "Good, I have enough grandchildren with Su's."

Opal chuckled, and hugged her aunt tightly. "I'm so happy for you, aunt Lin!" The Earthbender patted her back awkwardly, and pulled away. She took a deep breath, and looked at herself in the mirror. She rubbed her scars, wishing she could make them go away. "It's time," Su said softly, stroking her sister's arm. Lin took a deep breath, and nodded, getting herself together. She couldn't wait.


Kya took a deep shaky breath, and ran her hand through her hair. She had never been so nervous in her entire life. A thousand of questions ran through her mind, she was questioning everything as she got ready to walk to the altar where she would marry the love of her life. What if Lin had changed her mind?

"Try and relax, Kya. She loves you," Izumi said, pressing her best friend's shoulder. Kya smiled and looked at her. The Fire Lord was wearing a blue simple dress to match the bride. Even the crown in her topknot was silver instead of gold to be water tribe's colors. It meant so much to Kya to see her like this. Lin and her had decided to have quite an official big wedding, with all of their friends there.

Katara and Bumi were standing behind Kya, watching as the Firebender helped her to get ready. They were wearing blue as well, just like everyone among Kya's side. Lin's would be entirely green. The healer couldn't wait to see her wife-to-be, she already knew that Lin would be absolutely gorgeous.

"I have to go, but I'll see you in five," Izumi said, hugging her best friend. Kya wiped a happy tear away, and nodded. She turned to her mother and brother, who both smiled at her. Katara walked closer and wrapped her daughter in a tight hug. "I'm proud of you. And your father would've been too," the old healer said softly. Kya wiped a tear away and buried her face in her mother's neck, getting emotional.

"Don't cry yet, wait until you see your wife on that altar," Bumi said softly, joining the hug. He was crying too now, and Kya chuckled in her family's embrace. "I know, I just— I wish dad were here. And Uncle Sokka, and aunt Suki, and Aunt Mai. And I wish Lin's dad was there for her, too," she whispered. Her brother and mother tightened the hug, their eyes were watering too. "I know, love," Katara said with a small smile. Kya sniffled and pulled away.

Kyalin / Rangshi OSWhere stories live. Discover now