Fox heard what sounded like a chain swinging through the air. He looked to his right and saw a Locust grenadier preparing to throw a flail-shaped Bolo grenade at him. Fox put a laser between the drone's eyes, sending him toppling over some crates. Then he hopped into the Landmaster, which to his surprise started. He started mowing down the remaining Locust with the coaxial plasma cannon. He even ran over a few, covering the treads in blood. A couple of them threw grenades at the tank but they had no effect. A Locust on top of the main building fired a Troika, a double-barreled, air-cooled turret, at the Landmaster. Fox used the main gun to obliterate the turret and it's operator. The Theron Guard fired his Torque Bow at the tank. The explosive bolt hardly put a dent in it's shields or armor. The Theron ducked back into cover and turned to a Drone.

"Destroy the Groundwalker."

The Drone responded by unslinging an old Soviet anti-tank weapon from his back; An RPG-7, a weapon that is still effective against modern tanks and armored vehicles. The Locust laid down on his stomach and fired. The Landmaster was disabled. Fox was now in a very difficult position. He couldn't climb out as there was no guarantee that he wouldn't be shot and he couldn't call in his friends as there now several Locust scanning the skies with Gargans. Then he saw the RPG operator walk out and load up another rocket.

"Now I'm screwed."

Just then, a grenade landed at the Locust's feet. The explosion killed him and several others. Fox crawled forward, opened the emergency escape hatch at the front of the tank and started firing into the Locust. In a few minutes, they were all dead, even the Theron. Fox came out of the tank to find that his savior was none other than his old pal Bill Grey.

"Well, looks like I get to save you for a change." said the husky.

"Oh my hero." Fox said while doing his best impression of a girly voice.

The two friends low fived each other and decided to clear out the main building together. They found nothing on the main floor.

"Maybe we should check the lower floors." said Bill.

Fox nodded, having heard that the Locust could tunnel through almost any surface. The two went down to the lower areas but still found nothing. Fox decided to strike up a conversation.

"So..... What happened?"

"They tunneled in or near the base and started killing and destroying everything they found. I was trying to sneak out when I found you."

Just then they heard loud footsteps behind them. They ducked into an abandoned office and hid behind the desk. Two large Locust walked by. They wore black uniforms, had slight pot bellies, and arms and legs as thick as tree trunks. They were equipped with Boomshot grenade launchers. Fox and Bill waited until the footsteps could no longer be heard.

"What were those?" Fox whispered for fear of being heard.

"Boomers." Bill replied "What they have in size and strength they lack in brains. Apparently, they only know how to say "Boom."

"I guess if you're not careful that may be the last thing you ever hear." Fox said before standing up.

They took a different corridor to avoid running into the Boomers. Their search was still fruitless until they came to a hall and heard several Drones up ahead. Fox and Bill hugged the walls and then mowed down the unsuspecting Drones. The Drones were mostly armed with Lancers, a Seran-made assault rifle that is infamous for it's chainsaw bayonet, Hammerbursts, rifles capable of semi-automatic or burst fire, and Gnashers, a lever-action shotgun that has a resemblance to the Remington 2000. They also had Boltock revolvers as sidearms.

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