About ten minutes later, Antonio put in some weird ear pieces and began taking calls on his work phone. I eyed Antonio's phone, which was on the computer. I had finished roughly about ten out of the fifty work tasks Antonio gave me. Antonio had also reminded me that we might be at the office all day, due to how much work he had. But I didn't mind, all I cared about was being with him. I shook out of my dad and opened the computer, I had a few emails to type, emails Antonio had told me to mail off to people. My only focus was on Antonio's phone, and who the heck Evelina was.
                            - - -
It was nearing 8pm, all of the work Antonio needed to get done by to impending was done. I sent my last email, stapled the last packet, and cleared out the last folder right as Antonio closed his computer. " Done?" He asked me. I sighed and smiled exhaustingly, " done." Antonio grinned, " we should get some food." I rubbed my hands on my thighs, my body ached for food and a bed. Antonio's phone rang, I eyed the screen and saw the name 'Evelina' on it. My nerves picked up again, that was the third time that name had popped up tonight. Antonio grabbed his phone and talked to the other caller. I watched him, his facial expressions blank as a piece of paper. " I will," Antonio said before hanging up. " Everything okay?" I asked as Antonio tucked his phone away in his suit jacket pocket. " Uh, yeah," Antonio said. My nerves picked up at Antonio's hesitant response. " You ready to go?" Antonio asked. He looked at me as I stared at his closed computer. " Thalia," Antonio said. I blinked and looked at Antonio who was smiling. " What?" I asked. " We're going to get some food, are you ready to go?" Antonio asked. " Yeah, yeah, I uh, I'm ready," I said. Antonio chuckled, I stood up as Antonio began packing up his work stuff and setting it in his desk. I eyed his suit jacket pocket, which held his phone.

The next moment, I found my self scarfing down mouthwatering lamp soup. Antonio grinned as he stared at my half eaten dinner. " I was thinking about getting desert, but It'll be back to the hotel room," Antonio said. I knew what he was talking about, but I just wanted to tease him. " Does the hotel serve apple pie?" asked.  Antonio scoffed and grinned, " yeah, I think they do at the cafe." I hide my smile by eating the rest of my lamp soup. Antonio finished off his serving of his pizza before we left the small cafe.

A soft drizzle began to spew down from the sky. Thick grey clouds dotted the sky, Antonio and I made it inside the hotel just in time as it began to rain harder. " Mr. Brambilla," a guard said walking up to us. " Your father's on the phone, he says it's urgent." Antonio walked past the guard, I followed him. " I'll do it later," Antonio said. " Your father says now," the guard said. Antonio sighed, he stoped and turned around as the guard approached him with a cellphone. I gave the guard a warm smile before he turned and left, I faced Antonio. " I'm going up to get dressed, I'll calm room service for some dessert," I told Antonio. " I won't be long," Antonio said, not wanting me to leave his side. I shook my head, " knowing you and your father, it'll take long." Antonio grinned, his smile fell once his father picked up on the other side of the phone.

I took off my blazer and unbuttoned my dress shirt. I put them back in my closet before walking over to my dresser. I grabbed a red silk lace dress before walking back into the bathroom and changing. I took off my pants and set them on the counter. I unclipped my bra and set it on top of my jeans, finally I slipped over the silk lace dress onto my body. The fabric was cold and soft, it felt comfortable against my warm skin. I tied my hair up into a messy, low bun before washing my face and taking off my makeup. The room door opening alerted me that Antonio was in the room. I smiled, knowing what he'd think about my outfit choice. I prepared myself for what was about to happen before opening the bathroom door and walking out. Antonio sat on the bed, drinking a bottle of water, and scrolling through his phone. He looked up at me at chocked on his water, causing it to drip down his suit jacket and dress shirt. " You wanna warn me beforehand?" Antonio asked, holding back a smile. He looked me up and down before standing up and walking up to me. " After I call the cafe and order us food," I said, stoping Antonio from getting closer to me. " Are you fucking serious?" Antonio asked, making me smile. " How long did the call with your dad gl?" I asked. " Ten minutes," Antonio said. I raised an eyebrow at Antonio, " ten minutes?" Antonio grinned, " what?" I scoffed and walked past him to the room phone and hotel's room service book. " If your father called about work, it should've been longer than ten minutes." Antonio rolled his eyes and walked up behind me as I dialed the cafe's number and raised the phone up to my ear. Antonio flipped me around and pressed his mouth hard against mine, I smiled against his kiss. " Mateo's Cafe, how may I help you?" The cafe picked up. I felt Antonio grinned against my mouth as he presented me to leave his kiss. " Hello?" The cafe caller asked. I literally had to push Antonio off me to be able to take an order. " Hi, uh, can we have two orders of apple pie," I asked out of breathe. Antonio slipped his around me and set them on my hips, he pulled me against his chest. " Two apple pies, will that be all ma'am?" The cafe asked. " Yes, thank you," I said. " Okay, we'll be up to you soon," the cafe said. " Thank you," I said. Antonio grabbed the phone out of my hands and set it down on the bedside table. " Oh my god can't you just wait!" I yelled as a smile grew across my face. Picking me up, Antonio set me down on my back, on the bed. " Wearing a dress like that, I won't ever be patient," Antonio said. I shook my head and was about to say something when he cut me off my meeting his lips with mine. Antonio took both my hands in one and pinned them above my head. He pushed my legs apart with his knee and pressed it into my entrance. Antonio managed to slip his tongue into my mouth, I didn't fight back as both our tongues touched. Antonio slid his free hand up to my waist and ticked me, I smiled hard against his kiss as I tried to get free from his grasp.

A knock at the door ended our session, Antonio groaned and stood up. I caught my breathe and walked up to the door, adjusting my attire. A nice old man had a cart with two apple pies on it, he also added two slices off cherry cake and two cups of coffee. " Thank you so much," I said kindly as the man pushed the cart into the room. Antonio shot the cafe worker a cold glare, I looked at him and sternly glared at him to be nice. Antonio rolled his eyes before plopping down on turned and resting his hands behind his head. " Have a nice evening," the man said. I smiled at him as he pushed he cart out of the room and I'm down the hall. I closed the door and looked back at Antonio. " You're such a pain in the ass, that man was just doing his job." I walked over and sat down beside Antonio, my plate of pie on my lap. " He interrupted us," Antonio said sternly. I looked at him and smiled, " I have my pie now." A slow grin slowly spread across Antonio's face. He instantly took my plate of pie off my lap and set it on his bedside table. " What are you doing?" I asked. Without hesitation, Antonio was ontop of me, attacking my mouth, neck, and collarbone with kissed.

Antonio's phone rang, Antonio grained and rested his face on my chest. " Go get it," I said smiling. Antonio sighed and stood up, he grabbed his phone. I managed to see who the caller was, my smile immediately fell off my face.


" I'll be back," Antonio mouthed before he walked into another room. I stared at the bathroom door, my thoughts began to get the best of me, again. Evelina had called a lot tonight, and I knew it was about work because that's what Antonio told me.

And I trusted him.

My heart beat began to pick up, my nerves began to jump around. " Calm down," I told myself. " It's just work, Antonio wouldn't do anything behind your back, he wouldn't hurt you, he's not like that." I reassured myself for about ten minutes when Antonio came back into the room. I picked up my pie and took a bite, I knew I looked nervous and I wanted a distraction. " I need to get a new phone," Antonio said sitting down beside me. I nodded and swallowed, " who was it?" " Uh, just someone from work," Antonio said. " That guy from your office?" I asked. " Uh, no uh, some women," Antonio said.


No, calm down Thalia. Antonio wouldn't do things with other women. He wasn't that type of man. He was good, innocent, he wouldn't betray you like that.

Would he?

I watched Antonio tap away on his phone before sitting back down beside me. " Wanna watch something?" He asked me. I took a bite of my pie and nodded, Antonio turned on the tv and scrolled through Netflix. I looked at Antonio, should I trust him? Antonio looked at me, " you okay?" I forced myself to smile, " yeah." Antonio grinned before looking back at the tv. My smile faded off my face, I looked down at my pie.

Who on earth was Evelina, and why was she calling Antonio's phone?

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