Epilogue 4

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"And that's why I'm afraid of being too happy because the moment you are, everything shatters. The other news came. A news that shattered my family's heart as well as Renjun's heart. And no matter how much I try to say I'm fine, try to smile as if everything's fine. I can't seem to hide it when I'm alone in my room."

"My room, my pillows, my blankets have always been the witnesses of my tears. They're the ones who only know how I've been silently fighting the fears inside my head and my heart."


"Don't worry. I've already contacted Dr. Smith. He is a close friend of mine, he's been operating for all his life and considered as one of the best neurologists in Canada. He'll help you, Donghyuck.", Dr. Lee said with full of encouragement. He even squeezed Donghyuck's hand to comfort him.

Donghyuck just smiled, "Thank you, Dr. Lee. You are the best doctor here too, especially in my heart."

Dr. Lee smiled softly at Donghyuck and shifted his eyes to the door as Dr. Suh knocked.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but Dr. Lee, your son is here. Should I just let him wait at my office?", Dr. Suh said carefully as he felt the gloomy atmosphere.

"Yes, Johnny. Just let Minhyung stay there for a moment.", Dr. Lee replied.

As Dr. Suh closed the door, Donghyuck saw someone familiar.

"Is that your son, doctor?", Donghyuck asked, pointing out the boy outside who just left with Johnny, smiling widely.

Dr. Lee looked in the same direction and shifted his eyes on Donghyuck, "Yes. Do you know him?"

Donghyuck just shook his head.

Well, what am I supposed to do? Tell him I've got a crush on his son? No way!, he thought.

"Maybe you've met him. He actually go to the same university as you. His name's Minhyung but he always wanted to be called Mark by everyone.", Dr. Lee excitedly said.

Showing him a picture of his son. One was a young version of his son and another was a recent version of his son, all in one frame.

Dr. Lee and Donghyuck were interrupted by a knock and there he saw his parents, his brother and his best friend. Donghyuck sighed, knowing he needs to hold on his tears and smile no matter how hard it is, he'll try.

(End of flashback)

"Yes, you are the boy who bumped me. It's you Minhyung. I've known your dad since I was 15, he was the amazing doctor I've talked about. I've learned a lot from him, making me realize that I should never let this fear inside me overtake me. Instead I'll overtake them. To keep on fighting no matter how much you know you're losing. That's the key actually, on how I survived my first operation. I fought bravely even though I know my weapon's too weak. To be brave is what makes you stand, what made me survive from that terrifying battle."

"The moment I saw you at the hospital gave me an idea that maybe, we weren't meant for each other after all. I rarely see you at school that I don't even get to say hi. You've always been too focused on your studies that I've heard how Renjun told me that Jaemin and Jeno always complained about you not hanging out with them. But I'm not blaming you because I wanted to know the results before introducing you."

"But then, I guess, I should not just get involved with your life since I don't want to add another person getting hurt because of me. So I stayed away, content with just looking at you from a distance. Hearing something about you from Renjun. Wait, it sounds creepy, right?", he laughed softly. "And I was honestly thankful at how understanding Renjun was with my decision. One of the things I've always loved him for."

Scintilla of Panacea (A Spark of Hope) [MarkHyuck] [MaHae] [C O M P L E T E D]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang