Chapter 22

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(Flashback from Renjun's memory)

[Before Mark and his dad talked in the last chapter where he woke up after he collapsed. This is still day 7.]

"Can I have one last request from you all?", Haechan said weakly to the people inside the room.

His best friend, Injunnie, sat on the edge of his hospital bed, his mom holding his hand while his dad wrapping his mom's shoulders behind her, rubbing it softly. His brother, Taeyong went to his bed and hold his hand while Johnny stood beside him. He also saw Dr. Lee, standing in front of him.

"What is it baby?", Taeyong replied softly. 

Haechan looked at them one by one, vision getting blurry but he still managed to smile, "Can you please not tell Mark who I am? I... I want to tell him myself."

He spoke so softly that it was hard for them to hear, "That's... if I'll be able to see him again.", he said while looking down.

"If not...", he paused and as soon as he looked up, the first one he saw was Dr. Lee. Haechan smiled weakly, not even reaching his eyes, "then I guess, he'll know it from one of you."

(End of flashback)

(Present from Renjun's memory)

[Two years and nine months after their adventure]

"Babe, I'm getting jealous now.", Jaemin said to Renjun with a pout and frown all over his face.

"Yeah, you've been staring at Mark's back for a minute now.", Jeno added, having the same expression as Jaemin.

Renjun, Jaemin, Jeno and Mark were having lunch together and Mark just left since he's got a call from the hospital. Chenle and Jisung can't make it, being all busy as seniors while Jungwoo and Lucas are having a date on their day- off.

Renjun just looked at his boyfriends' faces and laughed, "Did I tell Mark, I love him?"

Jaemin and Jeno looked at each other, eyes wide open because of realization.

Renjun rolled his eyes at them, "Gosh, not in a romantic way!"

Jaemin and Jeno then answered in unison, "No."

Renjun smiled sweetly, "Then, you're  just being jealous for nothing."

Jaemin sighed while playing the straw on his iced tea, "Hmm... your smile's playing a trick on me."

Renjun just laughed softly, watching his boyfriends being all jealous. It's cute, he thought.

"From the moment you met Mark, I've been getting suspicious about you, really. Are you sure your best friend's not Haechan? 'Cause I could tell, he might be since you've been very secretive of him.", Jeno said, squinting his eyes at Renjun.

Renjun's eyes grew wide for a second but played it cool, "How many times do I have to tell you, Hyuckie's just a very private person and he'll be home before Christmas. I've told you about this, right?" Renjun explained with his eyes getting bigger just for them to be convinced.

"Yes, you've told us countless times that he wants to fully introduce himself in person. To let us be curious and all, so that when we meet in person we've got a topic to talk about. The less we know, the more we'll be able to talk once we meet. To make it less awkward.", Jaemin explained while Renjun proudly nodded his head at his boyfriend.

"But...", Jeno interrupted, which made Renjun groan exaggeratedly.

"It's just that, we don't even know his full name or what he looks like. He doesn't even have social media. Plus, you're being weird on the first day you met Mark.", Jeno explained.

"Do we have to talk about this again?", Renjun said in a tired voice.

"Well, I can't help it either. When you looked at Mark at that time, you cried so much. You even hugged him, saying thank you!", Jaemin said while moving his hands in the air.

"Thank you?! What was that? It's your first time meeting him and for sure, it was for him too. Just by looking at Mark's reaction, he was clearly surprised.", Jaemin continued.

"You also mentioned Hyuckie's name one time while staring at Mark.", Jeno said in an as a matter of fact expression.

Renjun was clearly caught off- guard, "When?!"

Jeno just smirked, "I just know especially when I can't take my eyes of off you."

"Uhm, I'm here by the way," Jaemin interrupted.

"That package too, how can you say you just saw it when it's clearly in your bag?", he continued, laughing as he remember the scene.

"Wow.", is all Renjun could say which made Jaemin and Jeno laugh at his reaction. 

"Come on, babe. It'll be our little secret.", Jeno said, which made Jaemin nod as an agreement.

Renjun closed his eyes tightly and sighed, "Fine. But promise me, you'll never, ever and by ever I mean never, ever tell anyone especially Mark or else, you'll lose me.", Renjun looked at their eyes aggressively.

"Wow, I never thought you love your best friend more than us.", Jaemin said in realization.

"Of course, I would risk anything for him. I'm sorry but family comes first.", Renjun smiled at them wickedly.

"But soon, we'll build our own family.", Jeno replied firmly.

That both made Renjun and Jaemin blushed so hard, I mean, the three of them as soon as Jeno realized what he just said."Uhm...", Jeno can't seem to think of words.

Jaemin looked at his boyfriends being all flustered, until Renjun cleared his throat. "Let's talk about this later. For now...", he sighed.

"Let's talk about Lee Haechan."

Scintilla of Panacea (A Spark of Hope) [MarkHyuck] [MaHae] [C O M P L E T E D]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt