Chapter 2

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Mark was left frozen in the middle of the dance floor, realizing he should follow the boy.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, there he found the boy leaning his hand on the wall for support. Bowing his upper body more than 90 degrees, letting an unpleasant sound and of course, vomit.

Mark jogged to the boy's direction but he was finished then.

"Are you alright?", Mark asked.

The boy looked at him, smiling as if he didn't puke at all.

"Gosh, did I turn you off?", he replied, giggling softly.

"Uh, no. Not at all. It's pretty normal to uh-- vomit.", Mark smiled awkwardly.

The boy looked at him, full of amusement.

"Hey stranger, will you join me to buy something that I can get rid of this headache of mine?", the boy asked, not waiting for Mark's reply as he started walking to the convenience store nearby.

Mark looked at the boy's back,  "Sure, I guess.", which for sure the boy didn't hear.

"I thought you'd buy aspirin or something?", Mark asked.

From the moment they got to the convenience store up until they were seated outside the store with their hot chocolate, both of them were just silent, table in between them.

The boy looked at him, giving him a blank expression he can't read. "Do you want to kiss?", the boy asked, not even missing Mark's eyes.

"Wha-- what?", Mark coughed from the hot chocolate he just drank and looked down as he was flustered by the boy's question.

It was totally random. Why is this night so weird? Like everything's so random, he thought.

The boy looked forward, watching the empty street, laughing at Mark. "I mean, I did take a box of mint. See?", the boy showed Mark the empty box of mint.

Should I be confident? I mean there's nothing to be considerate about. He's full of surprises. He keeps on getting me caught off guard. Okay, I should. I can be confident too, Mark thought.

Mark laughed confidently, "Maybe some other time."

"Are you trying to be confident right now?", the boy asked, looking amused as ever.

Or maybe not. Just be yourself, Mark, he thought.

"I guess.", Mark replied smiling shyly, looking down again, caressing his nape with his hand.

"Well, how sure are you that we'll be able to meet again?", the boy asked, as if he was challenging Mark.

Mark looked at him, "I mean, we can exchange numbers. We can hang out, get to know each other and be friends. We've got so much time for that.", Mark replied with hundred percent assurance and determination in his eyes.

The boy just laughed, "There's more time in this world but not all people have the time."

Mark looked at the boy and there, he saw the sadness in his eyes again. "Why are you being serious all of the sudden? We can still meet each other, right?", a hopeful Mark asked.

"I mean, maybe you are a busy person.  A busy person's time is very precious. It's hard for you to give or make your time for other people.", the boy replied with an as a matter of fact expression.

"Well, I'm not. I'm just an ordinary college student. I study a lot but that doesn't mean, I don't like going out.", Mark leans comfortably on his chair.

"Hmm... so you're Mr. Smartypants?", the boy teasingly replied. Mark just laughed softly, "Just diligent."

The boy got up from his chair, let out a loud heavy sigh while Mark just looked up at the boy, confused.

"Well... stranger, are you willing to go on an adventure with a stranger? And by stranger, it's obviously me.", the boy asked Mark as if it's the most normal thing a person could ever ask.

"You're such a random person.", Mark told him with a disbelief expression all over his face.

"You just don't know how to read me. And if you want to, come with me. An adventure for 7 days straight. Just with me.", the boy said confidently and persuasively.

"You do know, there's a class tomorrow, right?", Mark replied as if he was out of his mind.

"Uh-huh, so??", the boy replied. Unbothered and even put his hand on his hip.

Mark furrowed his brows, "What so?? We have a class. Wait... are you still a student? Like I can tell you are but I just wanted to be sure. Maybe you are just some younger- looking dude, but way older than me.", Mark asked.

"I am way older than you I can tell.", the boy replied as if he was sure.

"Can you answer me in specific terms? Are you even being honest right now?", Mark asked accusingly.

The boy just shrugged, "It's better this way. Knowing each other but not the basic ones. No names, no age, no anything specific names you can see whenever you fill up papers. It'll be more exciting." The boy even smiled showing he really is excited.

Mark can't help but stare at him, "Why are you saying things as if we'll not see each other again? Or how sure are you that I'm coming with you? Another or... why me? As if you have planned this all along and choose me as someone who'll accompany you??"

The boy looked into his eyes, trying to read Mark, "You really are smart. But to answer your questions, I think, I am sure that you would be the perfect one to be with in an adventure."

Mark sighed, "Not an extreme adventure, right?"

The boy rolled his eyes, being impatient because of Mark's endless questions, "Why do you keep asking? Just answer yes or no, don't worry, I don't hold grudges. I won't be hurt. If there's something wrong, I'll blame everything on you.", he then smiled wickedly.

"That didn't convince me at all... but..." The boy raised his left brow, waiting for Mark to continue his statement. "Yes, I am up for an adventure with you, stranger", Mark offered his hand to the boy.

"Is this really necessary?", the boy asked while laughing but still shook Mark's hand as an official agreement.

I mean, an adventure with someone whom I don't know at all for 7 days is really a reckless decision but this is my first time being all reckless so why not? Maybe this will be a start, of not being reckless, but of having another friend... sure, a friend whom I find very, very breathtakingly beautiful, Mark thought while smiling at the person he shook hands with.

Scintilla of Panacea (A Spark of Hope) [MarkHyuck] [MaHae] [C O M P L E T E D]Where stories live. Discover now