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n e w s

so this story is steady #10 in short story and i can't imagine how you guys have managed that. you're amazing. this is just a short announcement not an ending, i promise.

o n e - s h o t

i've noticed that i haven't been that interactive with you guys lately so i want to have a little heart-to -heart.
i want you to write your own interpretation of travis.
if you don't know who that is, he's delilah's brother.
he's also the guy who sent miles a death wish.

i want you to write your own one-shot involving him.
no specific plot at all but i'll give you background knowledge.

t r a v i s:
blonde hair
blue eyes
a little hostile
mourning the loss of his sister, delilah

you don't have to write a full blown out novel and the one shot could be the length of the chapters i've posted here. this is literally just a way for me to read some of your books and i will give feedback if you want.

dedicate it to me and put the tag #trainwreckoneshot on it and i'll have a look.
i'll be surprised if even one person does this.


i d e a - g i v e r

this is dedicated to the person who came up with this idea for a contest and is pretty awesome.

apparently a lot of people who read my crap are amazing people who surely aren't noticed enough and guys, she's made me want to continue this kind of stuff.

most of you don't know and if you're a really close friend of mine, i'm sorry i didn't tell you. recently i've gone through a period of time where i was bashed for my beliefs and my writing as a person decided to try and push their beliefs onto me.

i've been told that by writing books such as my flawed series, i'm not sending a good message to you guys. and for a small amount of time, i did believe that i was triggering people with my writing.

and i'm sorry if i did.

but that was not my intention.

so i went through a short period of time where i refused to write anything. eventually, i came across these messages and people dedicating stories that my books inspired. there were even a few people who sympathized with my characters or have went through similar issues and that reminded me of my entire point of writing stories that go deeper into the emotional aspect of depression and mental illnesses and serious issues.

i remembered that there are people who see my writing and realized that they don't deserve to treat themselves badly or be treated badly.

and i'm so damn grateful that you guys have supported me.

and that @rubysbooks helped me.


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