"Hey she's not throwing a fit anymore!," Riccardo said looking at me.

"Well I wouldn't have had to if Leo would have been a bi-" I was cut off by Sandy entering the room trays of food in her hands, she placed it down it was some spaghetti and it smelled amazing. He left the room quickly walking back to the kitchen.

"Bella just a little warning if you would have finished that sentence we would have sent you right back to your room," Metteo warned.

"Like I want to be here anyway," I said scoffing. No one said anything after that instead staring to dish themselves up with food. I also did the same, taking a bite out it it the amazing taste hit me.

"Why are we eating, like together?" I asked.

"Why not," Aundre answered, I shrugged.

"Its just kinda random, we like never do this," I answered.

"So how was everyones day," Mattia asked trying to lighten the mood.

"Good," Aundre, Riccardo, and Enzo answered at the same time.

"Busy," Metteo answered.

"Well I got sent to my room for being curious with something that involved me so i'd say pretty good," I answered offering a sweet forced smile.

"Bella you really don't want to know," Mattia answered looking at me with pity.

"Stop looking at me like that," I snapped, I felt bad right after because he did nothing wrong, I don't know why i'm even getting so angry.

"Bella what has gotten into you," Aundre asked, whats wrong with me? I really don't have an answer, I know it would probably be best if I did know i'm just so sick of everyone hiding everything from me.

"May I be excused," I asked.

"Yeah," Mattia sighed, I nodded before walking out, I couldn't look at anyone in the fear on how they would look back at me.

It would probably be something like disappointment, and that would ruin me even more than I already am ruined. When someone looks at you like that means you failed them and thats one of the worst feelings ever.

A sharp pain hit me as I was walking upstairs, but I just shook it off. I went and grabbed a change of clothes so I could just take a nice relaxing shower, I took off my pants and the sight answered all my questions.

my period.


I did get it once when I was about 10, I remember my mom helping me out and making sure I knew how to handle it. It went away though probably due to the lack of food I used to get, and maybe now that im healthy again it came back again. What the fuck am I supposed to do?

I could tell my brothers, although they probably think I have it due to the ordeal of me coming here and making them stop. I brushed it aside and got into the shower trying to forget about it. I still felt really bad for snapping and Mattia, I'll have to find a time to apologize.

I stepped out of the shower and opted to wrap my underwear in toilet paper for now. I honestly had no plan, just let the plan make itself while I sit down and watch. I stepped out of my room, getting frightened when I see Mattia sitting on my bed. He look up when he noticed I was out.

"Im sorry," We both said at the same time.

"Hey look, i'm sorry I know you hate when people look at that," He said I looked at his face for any insincere look but there was nothing.

"No I shouldn't have snapped back at you like that," I said looking at him as I picked up some of the random objects scattered on the floor.

"Have you been feeling ok?" He asked leaning forward still on my bed.

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