Chapter 41: Epilogue

Start from the beginning

"Alright, you guys quit it!" Charlie laughed as he dragged himself out from underneath the pile.

"Oh I missed you guys too." Doug said loving the embrace from the pups.

"Hey mom, hey dad." Dylan greeted them from upstairs as he Charlie finally got out from the dog pile, "Hey Charlie."

"Sup bro." Charlie greeted him with a smile, "Oh uh how's Summer?" He asked walking up the stairs.

"She's good, wanna come see her?"

"Hang on I gotta check up on Dolly and Spike." Charlie said as he hurried over to a room where he spotted Spike laying next to Dolly who had just giving birth to four pups, "Well well well, if it isn't Momma Dolly." He smirked as he entered the room to which Dolly and Spike both smiled when they see him.

"Hey bro, good to see you."

"Good to see you two, well the nightmares over Spike how do you feel?"

"Honestly I feel relieved." He said to which Charlie laughed.

"Take it from an experience father already." Charlie said as he looked over to the four pups, one looked exactly like Dolly, while the other three were a mix match of Spike and Dolly, "So Dolly any ideas for names?"

"Oh I have no idea, got any suggestions?"

"Well we gotta figure out their genders first before we start giving names." Charlie said.

"Oh I guess that would be easier."

"Welp I gotta check up on Dylan and Summer, see you two later."

"Alright see ya Charlie."
"See ya." Dolly and Spike said before nuzzling each other.

Charlie hurried into the next room to find Summer and Dylan laying together, Summer looked a little bigger than usual, meaning she's carrying babies.

"Charlie!" Summer said with excitement as Charlie sat down next to Dylan.

"So, hows everything?" He asked.

"Everything going well, we're having three puppies." She explained.

"Three puppies wow Dylan congrats." He said to which Dylan gave a worried smile, "Nervous huh?"

"Oh uh no no, I'm good, I'm totally fine." He said.

"Dylan don't worry, I was afraid when Da-Vinci got pregnant."

"Y-you were?"

"Of course I was, I was scared beyond belief but thanks to Deepak and with the support of you guys I have four beautiful puppies, speaking of Da-Vinci I better get down there and see if she's okay." He said about to leave the room before turning back and smiling, "Congratulations Dylan and Summer." He said and left the room leaving Summer and Dylan to sigh and snuggle together.
Once he reached downstairs he was suddenly was bitten by the tail, "Ow Hey!" He yelled quickly grabbing his tail only to see one of his pups biting the end of it, the pup was the body of a german shepherd but had white fur with black spots, "Oh come here Leo you little rascal." He said grabbing Leo by the neck and walked over to Da-Vinci who looked up to her mate with surprise.

"Well hello dear." She said as Charlie placed Leo down.

"Hey babe." He said nuzzling Da-Vinci who nuzzled back.

"I see that Leo wanted to say hello to daddy." She said with a giggle.

"Yeah he's gonna one hell of a biter."

"Well he takes after you." She said before the two laughed.

"I can See Donny, and Raph but where's Faith?" He asked to which they both looked around and spotted her waddling over to cans of paint, "Woah woah there little princess, we can't have you touching paint yet." He laughed grabbing the pup and placing her back with her brothers to get food, "You okay babe?" He asked concerned about his mate.

"Oh Charlie, I'm the happiest dog in the world, I have the perfect life, I got the perfect mate, and I have the most perfect puppies, what more could I want."

"I don't know all I know is that's we did one hell of a job."

"Oh I bet."

"I love you Da-Vinci."

"I love you too Charlie." She said nuzzling against him.

"DINNER!" Delilah voice could be heard upstairs followed by a thundering sound of footsteps.

"Well I guess it's dinner time huh, I'll go get you some food."

"That would be lovely."

"Don't go anywhere my love." Charlie joked as he quickly ran upstairs.

"Don't worry I won't." She said as Charlie dipped out of sight, "My only Soilder boy." She sighed dreamily as she helped her pups with feeding.

Over at a nearby cave, the waves crashed onto the rocks when suddenly a robotic hand grabbed the rocks, the robotic hand covered with skin and muscles that were peeled, scratched, chewed, burned off pulled itself up to reveal the rest of the body, still having chunks of skin and blood looking out, the robot gasped as it pulled its corpse out from the ocean and sit on the rocks, it looked around trying to figure out where it was until looking down to it's endoskeleton hands, which were completely cleaned from all of the fish nibbling off of them, however up to his biceps were where blood oozed and muscles could be seen bulging and retracting his chest was completely opened up with bite marks and stab wounds, his legs were chewed up to the point of the only thing left were some bits and pieces of skin soon the robot looked out of the cave to see the wreckage of the cargo ship and immediately crushed a rock he was leaning on.

"Revenge... I must have Revenge." He said before the darkness consumed him, with only his glowing robotic eyes can be seen, then they dim too.

The End ...
For Now...

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