I Need to Know Why.

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                                   Brooke's pov:

       Right now it is 6:00pm, Saturday night. I was suppose to be at Lucas' house at 5:30, until he poured his heart out to me. The truth is, I'm scared to be with Lucas again. I'm afraid to be vulnerable. I need to know why he chose me, not Peyton. I need to know why he loves me. If I know why, maybe I can tell him I love him too, because I do. More than anything. He said I am the one for him, and I want him to be the one for me too. I ran away because I didn't know what to say. I was scared.
        I let 30 minutes pass until I get off the couch and grab my car keys. I don't know what I'm gonna say or do, but I want to go to Lucas' house. I want to ask him about everything he said. I want to know if it was true. It is pouring rain outside right now, but I don't care. I need to ask.

                                     Lucas' pov:
It is currently 6:45pm. Brooke was suppose to be here at 5:30, so I'm guessing that's canceled. I can't believe she walked away, just like that. I really don't know how to feel. I start drifting off to sleep, until I hear someone honking their car horn outside my house. Who could possibly be out in this weather? I look out my window and I see Brooke standing up against her car, with just a sweatpants and tank top on. I quickly run to open my door and shout, "Are you crazy standing out there in the pouring rain? You're gonna get sick. Please come in the house." "I have a question." She says seriously. "Okay, come inside and ask me." I answer. She rolls her eyes at me and replies, "No, you come out here." I hesitate before I start to walk up to her. I'm gonna get soaked in the rain, but for Brooke it's worth it.
She looks like she has been crying. I look at her and nod, signaling that I'm ready for her question. She coughs before she starts to talk, "Earlier outside of the cafe, you said I was the one for you. Not Peyton, me. You said you loved me. Why Lucas? Why did you choose me and not Peyton? Why do you love me? I need to know why." I give her a confused look and shout over the noise of the rain, "Why do I love you?....Because you kink your eyebrow when you're trying to be cute. Because you quote famous books, even though I've never actually seen you read. Because you miss your parents, but you'll never ever admit that. Because you were so forgiving towards me with the whole Peyton situation. And because I've given exactly 4 of these embarrassing speeches in my entire life, and they've all been with you. I mean, that's gotta mean something, right? And because, we're both gonna get pneumonia, but if you need to hear why I love you, I can go on all night." She looks at me with tears in her eyes. I can't predict what's gonna happen next due to what happened earlier. She takes a few steps closer to me, and kisses me. Of course, I kiss back. After like 2 minutes, she pulls away and says, "I love you too Lucas Scott. Always have, always will." "Good. I was scared you were gonna run away from me again." I joke. She laughs and answers, "No running. Not anymore. I want to forget all the bad moments in the past. I want a new beginning for us. I think we deserve one." "Agreed. I love you so much Brooke Penelope Davis." I say as I kiss her forehead. After I say that, she hugs me. She doesn't let go for at least 5 minutes. "I've missed you Luke." She says, and continues to hug me. I smile and reply, "I've missed you too, pretty girl. But I think we should go inside before we really do get pneumonia." She laughs and responds, "Agreed, I'm freezing."
When we get inside I go and make hot chocolate for the both of us as Brooke runs to my couch and wraps herself in a blanket. Once I'm done making it, I join Brooke on the couch. "Brooke you're not staying in those clothes, they're soaked. Go to my room and pick out clothes. You're staying the night, I don't want you driving in this weather. It's starting to get worse." I demand. "Jeez, okay bossy" She says, joking. She quickly runs to my room and runs back to the couch, with one of my hoodies and a pair of my sweatpants on. "My clothes always do look better on you Brooke Davis." I say, smiling at her. "And they're comfier than my clothes." She replies. "And it's time to do our project." I respond, changing the topic. "Ughh, fine." She complains, never wanting to do school work on the weekend.
         About 1 hour and 30 minutes later, we finish our project. I yawn and lay down on the couch. "You tired broody?" Brooke asks me. "Nope." I reply. The truth is, I'm exhausted, but I want to spend more time with Brooke. "Wanna watch a movie boyfriend?" She suggests, looking at all the movie options to choose from. I look at her shocked. I was not expecting her to call me that. She looks back at me and questions, "You are my boyfriend again, right?" "Of course, I just haven't heard you call me that in a while. It feels good to hear it." I say. "It feels even better to say it." She responds. "A movie sounds great pretty girl." I say, smiling at her. "Yay!" She shouts, and starts searching through all of the movie choices. Once she picks the movie "Wizard of Oz", she plops down near me and puts her head on my shoulder. I put my head on hers and kiss her forehead. It feels great to call her mine again.

Brooke's pov:
      Once the movie ended, I turned the lamp on that was next to me on the end table. Surprisingly, I didn't fall asleep during this movie, Lucas did. I knew he lied when he said he wasn't tired. I quietly shook his arm and woke him up, "Hey Luke, I think we should get you off the couch and into your bed." I suggest. "Good idea" He groans tiredly.
        He heads to his room as I run to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Once I head back to his room he is already on his bed getting ready to fall asleep again. I get in the bed right next to him and lay my head on his chest, as he puts his arm around me. "Goodnight Lucas Scott. I love you. Always have, always will." He looks at me while smiling and replies, "I love you more pretty girl. Goodnight." He kisses my lips softly and I smile at him. After a while, we both drift off to sleep.
         This is the happiest I've been in a while. I finally got what I've been wanting, Lucas Scott back in my arms again.

(AH I HOPE U GUYS LIKED THIS CHAPTER!! and yes, I had to steal Lucas' iconic rain speech.)

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