Basketball and Partying

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    Lucas' pov:

Today is the day of the basketball game. No one knows this, but the doctor is suppose to call my mom this morning and let her know if I can play again. I hope they say I can, because if they do I will be able to play in the game today. I woke up extra early this morning, just incase I get a call from my mom. Right now it is 8am and I am sitting up in the hotel room bed wide awake. Brooke is besides me, still asleep. I'm super nervous to hear what the doctor is going to say, but I'm thinking it will be good news, because my back hasn't been hurting at all recently. I decide to go get breakfast for me and Brooke while I wait for the call.
When I get to the cafe in the lobby, my phone starts to ring. It's a call from my mom. "Hey mom." I say when I pick up the phone. "Hey sweetie. The doctor called." She replies. "What did they say?" I ask nervously. "They said you are gonna have to get that jersey on and play that game today." She answers in a happy tone. "Yes! Thank God! Thank you for standing by me every step of my recovery. I love you mom." I shout in the middle of the lobby. We talk for a little while then I head back to my room. When I get there, Brooke is awake. She is laying on the bed watching tv. "Hey pretty boy. Where were you?" She asks. "I was getting us breakfast in the lobby. I have some news." I respond. "What is it?" She questions. "I can play today. The doctors confirmed it." I say. "Yes! I'm so happy for you Luke. I knew you would do it!" She shouts as she jumps off the bed and wraps her arms around me. "Thank you for believing in me pretty girl. I love you." I say. "I love you too. Does Whitey know?" She asks. "My mom is calling him." I answer. "Good." She smiles. I start to kiss her passionately until we both fall down onto the bed. I take off her shirt and she takes off mine. "It's too early for this." She laughs as she continues to kiss me. "It's never too early for this." I answer, smiling at her.
About 30 minutes later Brooke and I put our clothes back on. It is now 10:00am and we have to head to the place we are playing at around 12. I have to be there to practice some plays with my team, and Brooke has to be there to go over her routine before performing it again. The place is about 15 minutes away from our hotel, so it shouldn't be a hassle getting there. "Put your bathing suit on boyfriend. The group wants to meet up at the pool for an hour before we have to get ready to leave for the game." Brooke says. When she says "the group" I know she means Nathan, Haley, Bevin, Skills, Jake, and Tim. We have all been hanging out none stop this past month. It's always fun. "Alright pretty girl. Sounds fun." I answer as I start to take off my clothes again to put my swimming trunks on. Brooke looks over at me and smirks. "What are you smiling at pretty girl?" I ask. "Just my hot boyfriend taking off his clothes. It kinda makes me wanna have another round of that fabulous sex." She says. "Well thank god we have this hotel room for another night." I wink at her. She laughs and gets changed into her bikini. "You're hot too Brooke Davis." I say as I look her up and down. "I know." She replies as she grabs my hand before we begin to walk down to the indoor pool.
When we get to the pool, everyone is already there. "Hey guys." Nathan greets us. "Hey boy toy." Brooke says and everyone laughs. Brooke started calling him that nick name ever since the boy toy auction and has not stopped saying it to this day. Everyone is already in the pool, so me and Brooke take our cover up clothes off and join them. "So, I heard someone else is joining you guys on the court tonight." I say to Nathan, Jake, and Tim. They all give each other confused looks. "What? Whitey didn't say anything about that." Jake responds. "Oh really? He's sorta tall, blonde-" "Hot" Brooke interrupts. I laugh and continue on, "He plays number 3 and you guys really need him on that court tonight." The guys look at me and smile. "Seriously man?" Tim questions in a happy tone. "Seriously. The doctors cleared me to play." I reply. "Yes! Congrats Luke. It's gonna be great to have you back on the court." Nathan says as he gives me a hug. "I'm so happy for you Luke!" Haley says before also giving me a hug. We all talk and laugh for about an hour before going back to our rooms to get ready for the game. While Brooke and I are in our room getting everything together Brooke walks up to me and puts her arms around me, wrapping me into a tight hug. "You okay baby?" I ask. "I'm perfect. For once in my life I feel amazing, and that's all because of you. You make me so happy Lucas Scott. Thank you for always being by my side. Whether it's the smallest inconvenience or the biggest, you always make sure I get past it and I love you for that. Always have, always will." She says, still hugging me. I smile. "I love you so much Brooke Penelope Davis. I feel the same exact way. You make my bad days so much better, even when I just look at you. You're my forever, I know that for a fact." I answer. She lets go from the hug, and gives me a long, loving, and passionate kiss. I grab my basketball bag as she grabs her cheer bag, then we head off to the car.
         Once we get to the court, Brooke and I both go to where we need to be. She is with her cheer team in the practice room and I am on the court with my team. Everyone was super happy to see that I was back. After we practice a few plays I see Brooke and her squad go behind the big wall separating the court and the backstage. I ask Whitey if I can go back there and see Brooke, because I wanna talk to her so she doesn't panic again. He says I can go for 5 minutes. When I go back there I see Brooke pacing back and forth. "Hi baby." I say. "Hi Luke. What are you doing back here?" She asks as she wraps me into a hug. "I just wanted to tell you how amazing you're gonna do and how proud I am of you." I reply. She smiles at me. "I love you Luke." I give her a kiss. "I love you more Davis. Now go do great." I say before giving her one last hug and going back to my team on the bleachers. Brooke and her squad get announced, and she does great as always. In the middle of the dance I saw her ankle roll, but she kept going like a champ. Now it's time for the game. I hope we can win this.

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