Party Time

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                                  Brooke's pov: 
( 1 week later)

         I wake up in my bed besides Luke. Last night was the first night he slept out again after his whole back incident. He is still asleep, so I go into the kitchen to make him his favorite breakfast, french toast. That's when I hear a knock on the door. I give a confused look, wondering who would be here this early. When I open the door, there she is, my mother. "Hi Brooke. Would you mind letting me inside my own house?" She asks in a sarcastic, cocky tone. "Actually I would. The fact that you haven't been here for almost 5 months doesn't really make it your house anymore. Also I find it pretty interesting how you show up like nothing happened after you chose a night out with your friends over a day with your daughter on her own birthday." I stand up for myself. She laughs in my face. "Oh stop being so dramatic. It would be a waste of time, coming here for one day just for your birthday." She says. "Go away." I demand. "Is everything okay?" Luke asks, sneaking up behind me. "No it's not. My snobby bitch of a mother won't leave." I answer. "Oh gosh, fine I'll go. I'll be back later for dinner though." She says. "No you won't. I'm having a party here tonight with all of my friends." I lie. "Oh no you aren't. Not in my house." She shouts. "Once again, not your house anymore." I shout back then slam the door in her face.
      My eyes quickly begin to form tears. I run up my steps and go to my room. Luke follows behind me. I lay on my bed and cry into my pillow. Luke sits next to me and begins to rub my back. "I love you so much Brooke. I'm here for you. Talk to me." He says. I sit up and lay my head on his shoulder. "How could she? How could she just show up here acting like a mother. She hasn't been a mother to me for such a long time. Even when she was home, she was always criticizing me for every little thing I'd do." I cry. "I know Brooke, but you have to remember what an amazing person you've grown to be with and without her in your life. And plus I need you to stop crying, we have some shopping to do for this party you speak of." He says. I laugh. "Are you being serious?" I ask. "Yes. What if she shows up and there's no party going on?" He responds. "Oh my God, I love you Lucas Scott." I reply as I kiss him. "I love you more Brooke Penelope Davis. Now let's go." He answers then picks me up bridal style and runs down the steps. "Lucas Eugene Scott, put me down right now! You're gonna drop me!" I scream. He lightly tosses me onto the couch and starts to tickle me. I start laughing uncontrollably. "Luke- stop it!" He eventually stops and we walk to the car. "Oh god Luke, I didn't even realize, we have our pajamas on." I panic. "So?" Luke questions with a confused look on his face. "I've never went shopping in my pajamas. I've never even went out in pajamas. When I was little I'd always ask my mom if I could go out in pajamas and she would always say no because I'd look ridiculous and stupid." I rant. "Brooke, it's fine. There's a first for everything." He says. I smile at him. "What?" He asks. "I'm going shopping in my pajamas!!!!" I shout like a little kid. He laughs while he puts his hand on my thigh and continues to drive.
       When we get to the store we start shopping for all the things we need for the party. "So, how is everyone gonna know about this party. Isn't it so last minute?" I ask. "Nope. I texted Tim. He's got it covered." Luke says. "What about drinks? How are we getting those? I lost my fake Id." I question. "Tim's got it covered." Luke repeats. I give a small laugh. "Stop stressing pretty girl. It's all gonna be fine." He says as he wraps his arms around my waist and begins to kiss me. The kiss starts to deepen. "Luke, we are in a store." I whisper and playfully slap him. "And this store has a single family bathroom." He replies as he grabs my hand and leads me to the bathroom. We go into the bathroom and he slams the door behind us. He starts to kiss me as he lightly pushes me against the wall. He takes off my shirt then I take off his. I pull away from the kiss and laugh, "I can't believe we're doing this!" I say. "There's a first for everything." He answers and winks at me. We begin to kiss again and block out everything else around us.
       After about an hour we put our clothes back on and walk out of the bathroom. We pay for everything and get back into the car. "So we just had sex in a family bathroom." I say. "Yes we did." Luke laughs. "We should totally have sex in public places more often. It's fun!" I shout. Luke continues to laugh. "Alright crazy girl." He jokes as he kisses my forehead and begins to drive back to my house. When we get to my house we start to set everything up for the party. "So when does this party start?" I ask, knowing Luke has everything covered. "7:30." He responds. I look at the clock. It's 2:00. "Oh my god, we need to hurry! Time moves fast." I panic. I get out all different types of decorations I have. Lucas helps me put them up around the house. About 2 hours later, Tim shows up. He gives us all the drinks he bought for the party. We thank him before he leaves. At about 5:00 we get done setting up everything. I lay on my couch and yawn. "Okay, you need a nap." Luke says. "What no! I wish, but I have no time. I need to get ready." I reply. "Brooke, its 5:00 right now and you're tired. How about we both go rest until 6:00. I can order the food at 6:30 while you get ready. Plus, you need to be awake at your own party" He requests. "Okay fine. But I'm setting the alarm for 5:45. We need time to wake up." I say. "Deal." He answers.
      We go into my room and lay down. I cuddle up into Lucas and wrap my arm around his stomach as he wraps his arm around my back. He begins to trace  circles on my back with his finger, which makes me almost instantly fall asleep. About an hour later the alarm starts to go off. I wake up, then I wake Lucas up because the alarm never does. I tell him to order the food. "5 more minutes please." He begs as he puts his arms out for me to lay back down on his chest. "No! Get up now!" I demand. He eventually gets up and begins to order all the food as I get ready. I put on a casual black dress with small heels. At 7:00 Nathan and Haley show up and help us with anything we need. We all talk and hang out until everyone starts to show up at 7:30. Everyone goes straight for the drinks. Everything is going great. Everyone is having fun, dancing, drinking, talking, and eating. That is until Peyton walks in. I quickly walk up to Tim. "Did you invite her?" I ask. "No, someone else must have." He responds. Lucas walks up to me. "Don't do anything. I'll take care of it." He says, trying to keep me calm. He goes up to her. I'm not sure what he's saying, but after about 5 minutes Peyton kisses him. Lucas pushes her away. I feel my whole body fill up with anger. I run up to them and slap Peyton in the face. "Get out!" I scream, causing the whole party to go quiet. "What? We're just reliving last year, kissing at a party. It's kind of our thing." She says in a bitchy tone while smiling. "You get out right now bitch!" I yell then slap her again. Luke tries to pull me back before Peyton punches me. I jump on top of her, pushing her to the ground. Lucas picks me up and keeps me back. "Let me go! Stop trying to protect your other girlfriend!" I shout. Peyton laughs. "I'm out. This party is boring anyway." She says before leaving. "My other girlfriend, seriously Brooke? When will you ever trust me again?" Lucas asks, looking hurt. "It was heat of the moment, I'm sorry Luke, but you kissed her." I say. "She kissed me! And I'm pretty sure everyone who saw it knows that. Stop trying to blame me for everything." He answers before walking away from me.
        This is going great. First Peyton shows up, now Lucas is mad at me. I grab a drink and drink it in under 5 seconds. I keep drinking, loosing track of how many drinks I've picked up. After about 30 minutes, I'm hard core drunk. Drinking always takes me away from all the problems happening around me. I started drinking freshman year when my mom stopped caring about me. It always helped. I try to find Luke for a little, but then I give up. "I'm too drunk for that" I think to myself. That's when I see my mom walk in. She walks directly up to me. "Hi mom! Want a drink?" I say in a cheery tone. "God! You smell like alcohol. Are you drunk?" She asks. "Yes.... No.... Maybe. I don't know. Wanna dance?" I ask while laughing. "No I don't wanna dance. I'm here to see what mess of a party you are throwing. I'm leaving now. This better all be cleaned up tonight!" She demands. I get out of the kitchen and go to where everyone is dancing. I begin to dance and bump into almost everyone. I bump into Haley. "Haley! Hi!" I shout. "God Brooke, you're drunk. I can smell it." She says. "I know!" I laugh. I continue to dance with Haley until I fall on the floor. I start laughing super hard until I can't breathe. I feel someone pick me up. I get taken to my room and onto my bed. My eyes eventually focus and I see Lucas next to me. "Jeez pretty girl, you're very drunk." He says while putting my hair behind my ears. "Wow, is my boyfriend finally showing his face again?" I say sarcastically. "Well your "other girlfriend" remark kinda pissed me off, but I'm all good now." He replies. "I'm sorry Luke." I say as I begin to cry. One thing about me, I'm the most emotional, moody drunk you will ever meet. "It's okay pretty girl." He answers as he rubs my back. Then I feel it. I'm gonna throw up. I run to the bathroom and puke all over. Luke holds my hair back and cleans up the throw up. "I think this party was a bad idea." I say. "Yea me too." He agrees.
      We both go back downstairs and sit next to Nathan and Haley on the couch. "How are you feeling B.Davis?" Haley asks. "Drunk, nauseous, and exhausted." I answer. "Well Nathan over here had a bit too much to drink too." She says. "Omg! Stay over tonight. We can all have a slumber party!" I shout. "A slumber party? Brooke how old are we?" Nathan laughs. "We are only in high school guys. We have to stop acting like our fun stops at 18. Would I be a total bitch if I asked everyone to leave now so we can start our little party early?" I ask. Lucas doesn't even hesitate before yelling, "Everyone out now!" We all laugh. He continues to scream until he eventually gets everyone out. Nathan, Haley, Luke, and I start to clean everything up. Once we are done cleaning we sit in the living room and put on a movie.

                                Lucas' pov:

         We are watching "The Notebook", Brooke's favorite movie. About an hour into the movie Haley and Nathan are asleep. Brooke is still awake with her head on my lap. I look down at her. She looks up at me. "What?" She asks while smiling. "Nothing. I'm just admiring my gorgeous girlfriend." I say. "Stop!" She whispers as she covers her face with her hands, feeling embarrassed. I take her hands off her face and kiss her. "I love you so much pretty girl." I smile. "Even when I'm drunk?" She asks. "Even when you're drunk." I answer. "I love you more Lucas Scott. Always have-" I cut her off to finish her sentence. "Always will." I still remember the first time she said that quote to me sophomore year. I told her I wanted to make things official instead of doing the whole "friends with benefits" thing. She said these exact words, "God, I thought you'd never ask. Of course I'll be your girlfriend. I love you Lucas Eugene Scott. Always have, always will." And she has stayed faithful to those words ever since. I am unsure about so many things in my future, but I am certain of one thing. I'm gonna marry this girl.

(Hi! I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm sorry I've been updating less, sometimes it takes me a while to think of ideas. Thank you so much for any positive feedback❤️)

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