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Brooke's pov:

Today is the day of graduation. I am currently 9 months pregnant. The baby is due any day now. I'm pretty nervous, but I am definitely more excited to meet our baby girl. My mom has been home for a few days now. She actually has been taking pretty good care of me, but I still mostly stay at Lucas' house. "How are my girls?" Lucas asks as I walk down the steps, talking about me and the baby. "We're good." I answer, smiling at him. He kisses me when I eventually get down the steps. "All our friends want to get ready and go to the school together, so we're gonna go to Nathan's in a little." I inform Lucas. "Sounds good to me." He hugs me.

    We get to Nathan's house and everyone is there. "I'm nervous!" Haley says. I would be nervous too if I was her, she has to do the valedictorian speech. "You're gonna do great Haley." I reply. She is a great speaker, I know she's gonna be amazing. "How you feeling pretty girl?" Luke asks as he wraps his arms around me. "I'm doing great. I can't wait to graduate, have this baby, and get an apartment with you." I smile at him. "Me too baby. It's finally time to start our lives together." He kisses my forehead.
After we're done getting in our gowns, we go to school. "Wait guys!" Peyton shouts before we walk into the auditorium. We all turn to look at her. "Before we go in I just wanna say thank you so much for letting me into this friend group. I was such an awful person until I got the chance to spend time with you guys. You all changed me for the better, and I couldn't ask for greater friends. I know we all have to go our separate ways after this, but I know we will never stop being friends. I love you guys." Almost everyone tears up at her speech. "We love you more P.Sawyer." I hug her tight. "Now let's go graduate!" I add on.
       "Brooke Davis." The principal calls me up to the stage. I walk onto the stage and receive my diploma. I look into the crowd and my eyes immediately meet with Lucas'. "I love you." He mouths to me. I smile at him before sitting back down in my seat. "Lucas Scott." The principal eventually calls out. I cheer for him from my seat. He looks at me while he's on the stage and I wink at him from my seat.

                                     Lucas' pov:

     We all throw up our caps at the end of the ceremony and I immediately find my way over to Brooke. She spots me and jumps into my arms. I carefully twirl her around. "I'm so proud of you Brooke Davis." I say, still holding her. "I love you Lucas Scott."
     As Brooke, Karen, Victoria and I walk back to the car, Brooke stops in her tracks and looks at the school building. "You okay?" I ask her. "Yeah, this is just super bittersweet. I'm so excited to start our life together, but I'm gonna miss the old times too. This is where we met. This is where it all started. My friendships, my goals, my teenage years. It's gonna be weird being away from this place." She begins to tear up. I stand in front of her so that she is now facing me. "I know it's hard to let go, but just think about all the amazing times that are gonna come. We are about to have our baby girl. We will get to watch her grow and have the same opportunities we did. This chapter of our life is over, but that doesn't mean it still won't be great." I try to make her feel better. "I'm glad you chose to be a writer. You really do have a way with words. I love you so much Lucas Eugene Scott." She kisses me. "Oh and another rule, we don't tell our baby my middle name." I joke. "Oh yes we do." She laughs.

       "Time to party!" Brooke says as we walk into Tim's house. Tim always has awesome end of the school year parties, but we all know this one is gonna be the best cause it's our last one. "Hey guys, over here!" Haley shouts, getting our attention from across the room. We wave to them and walk to where they are. "I can't believe this is our last end of the year party!" Brooke frowns. "I know, it's so sad." Bevin agrees. "Guys, we are not gonna get sad right now. We are all gonna be friends forever, I can feel it." Haley tries to make them feel better. "I agree with Haley. As soon as college ends, we are all gonna be back to hanging out almost everyday." I say. "Every time we have a holiday break, we need to see each other!" Peyton demands. Everyone agrees with her. "I love you guys so much!" Brooke says as we all gather into a group hug.
     "Let's play truth!" Brooke suggests as we gather into the living room. Brooke made that game up when we were freshman. It's basically truth or dare, without the dares. "We haven't played that in years." I laugh. "Exactly. Let's be kids again for a little bit." She smiles. "Okay me first!" Peyton shouts.
     After we play truth for a little while we all dance and talk and have fun. "Hey, can I talk to you?" I ask Brooke. "Yeah is everything okay?" She questions. "Yea everything's great. Follow me." I go to an empty spot in the house and she follows behind. "I just wanted to get a chance to thank you." I say. "For what?" She asks. "For everything. You've  changed my life these past four years Brooke. No matter what, you have always been there for me. I can't even imagine what my life would be like without you, and I don't want to imagine it. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. I couldn't be more grateful that I get the opportunity to start a family with you. I love you Brooke Davis." I finish by giving her a kiss. "Stop making me cry!" She fans her teary eyes. "You changed my life too Lucas Scott. No matter how scary life can get, I could always count on you. I can't wait for you to do the same with our daughter. I love you so much." She hugs me.
     When the party ends we head back home. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth." Brooke says before heading to the bathroom. I lay down on my bed and watch my tv as I wait for Brooke. "Lucas!" I hear Brooke shout. I immediately get up and run to her. "Brooke, are you okay?" I ask frantically. "My water broke." She looks down at the puddle below her.

(It won't let me respond to comments again:( but after I finish up this book I might do a book continuing this one about them as adults and i'm thinking about writing a naley book!)

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